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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly learning w/b 23.05.23

Term 5 completed! Well done Year 6! What a term it has been! We are so proud of what you have achieved this term and we know how hard you have worked. Your effort has been outstanding! 

Important messages 

-a Year 6 running club will be starting after Half Term. We will be running at lunch time every Friday. As we do Sports Project that day already, the children will already be in their trainers. We will welcome all runners (from athletes to beginners). Please sign up on the sheet on the lockers in the Year 6 cloakroom.  

-Term 6 begins on Tuesday 6th June. We look forward to seeing you then! 


Love to Learn: 

-There is no Love to Learn task over this week. Please enjoy your Half Term holiday! 


Learning in Year 6: 

-In English this week, we have learned about the leader of Germany during WW2: Adolf Hitler. We have identified the features of biographies and used this to write a biography of Hitler. 

-In Maths lessons, we have been interpreting and then constructing bar and line graphs. We have learned that bar graphs show data from one particular moment in time and line graphs show data changing over time.  

-In Thematic lessons, we learned more about WW2: we learned how to use maps; we found out where bombs were dropped in Ramsgate and also looking at main cities in the UK. We also created our own artwork depicting the Blitz. 

-On Monday, we thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Viking Games with Upton and RAPS.  With only two points in it, TEAM HOLMES (red) were declared the winners!




After half term: 

-In English, we will be looking at two different films: a clip from BFG and a short film called Pere Lachaise. Using these films as inspiration, we will be looking at how to control formality in speech and also how to create suspense.  

-In Maths, we will be learning about reflection, translation, tessellation and also co-ordinates. We are going to be using art to show our learning. 

-In PSHE lessons, we will be discussing our aspirations and also talking about how we have more responsibility as we grow up. We will also be looking at what it means to have a healthy relationship with other people in our life.  

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695