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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly learning w/b 17.04.23

Welcome back to a new school term!


- Please see the attached document (at the bottom of this blog) that outlines key information about the upcoming Viking Games.  The table below shows the days on which children will be participating:

- Attached below as well is Mrs. Law's outlines for SATs, which commence on Tuesday 9th May.  As part of our preparations, we would like to invite all children to a school breakfast a week before and the week of the SATs (2nd May - 12th May).  We encourage all children to come in from 08:00 to chat to their friends, enjoy a relaxed morning and settle before we get on with the day's work.  Breakfast club is free of charge!

- PE is still on Wednesdays with Sports Project on Friday.  A plain, white T-shirt and shorts/joggers with trainers and appropriate outdoor clothing will be needed on Fridays and trainers on Friday.


This week, the children have been learning how to measure and draw angles using a protractor.  From this, they used their knowledge of angles in a straight line, full turn and triangles to find missing angles and then understood what 'Z' angles are!  These are angles that form a zigzag shape and are equal to each other.  Your Love to Learn task this week involves angles like this.  Next week, the children will be learning about interpreting and creating their own pie charts, linking fractions and percentages to them.

In English this week, the children have written in role as Kensuke or Michael after Kensuke found Michael's desperate letter to his parents to be rescued.  We used a Conscience Corridor to help understand how each character might be feeling.




We also went out to the forest school to build beacons, like Michael does on Kensuke's island.  When we heard a whistle, we had to pretend to signal a ship:

Next week, we will be learning about palm oil, which has been part of the Easter holidays Love to Learn.  We will research further the effects of palm oil and its impact on the world by writing non-chronological report on the subject.

We have completed our steady hand games and enjoyed playing them this week!  The children thought very carefully at the design stage: they considered colours, position of equipment and the name of their game before working together to construct the game.  They used their knowledge of circuits to make the game work and then evaluated it at the end (what worked well; what they would change; what challenges they faced during the making of their game).



For Love to Learn this week, please log on to mymaths for a task about missing angles.  We would also like you to learn these words as part of your spellings:

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695