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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 6


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Page 6

  • 19/01/23

    Weekly learning w/b 16.01.23

    Home Learning / Important Messages for Year 6 Following on from Friday's maths lesson, we would like the children to draw a 3D shape on isometric paper. They can draw cubes, cuboids and challenge themselves to draw other shapes (as seen in the lesson) on the isometric paper. There is a video...
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  • 13/01/23

    Weekly Learning w/b 09.01.23

    Important messages -We will be spending the day at Ramsgate Leisure Centre on Thursday 19th January and taking part in a Multi-Sports festival. All children need to come to school in their PE kits, along with a coat and a bag to carry a water bottle and their lunch. Please send your child to scho...
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  • 05/01/23

    Weekly learning w/b 02.01.23

    Happy new year and welcome back to a new term!  We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break as we get back into the swing of Term 3. Important messages - Parent Workshops. Punctuation and Grammar - come and learn with your child! You are invited into our child's classroom in...
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  • 16/12/22

    Weekly learning 16.12.22

                Christmas Home Learning task We would like the children to read about Charles Darwin over Christmas. This is linked to our thematic curriculum next term. There is a Myon reading task set for them (see the link below) The children...
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  • 09/12/22

    Weekly Learning 09.12.22

     Home Learning Task:  To decorate our classrooms in the last week of term, please get your creative juices flowing and make a Christmas decoration to display. It could be a festive scene, a hanging decoration or a model of something Christmassy! It’s up to you...
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  • 02/12/22

    Weekly learning 02.12.22

                             Thank you to all those who were able to attend our healthy snack campaign on Monday.  It was lovely to see so many families joining in with the fun and casting their votes for thei...
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  • 25/11/22

    Weekly learning 25.11.22

    Messages - A reminder that children are welcome to wear non-uniform on Monday 28th November in return for a bottle for the tombola. - Year 6 would like to welcome all parents to our Technology lesson on the afternoon of Monday 28th November (from 14:30).  The children have been learning a...
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  • 18/11/22

    Weekly learning 14.11.2022

    W/C 18/11/22 Home Learning Tasks: In Science, we have been learning about different systems in the body, such as respiratory (lungs) and circulatory (heart). For your Love to Learn task, please create/make something that shows how these systems work. It could be an interactive diagram, a...
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  • 11/11/22

    Weekly learning 11.11.22

    Important notices With Christmas fast approaching, here are a few dates to add to your diary for upcoming events. On Tuesday 29th November, the Chilton Fundraisers will be holding a 'Christmas Lantern Festival' from 3.15-4.15 on the school field. Mr. Redwood and the school choir will b...
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  • 04/11/22

    Weekly learning 04.11.22

    Messages Thank you to everyone who was able to attend parent teacher consultations this week.  If you have been unable to, please speak with your child's teacher and they will be happy to make a new appointment. A reminder that on Tuesday 8th November, we will be studying the heart by...
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  • 21/10/22

    W/C 17th October 2022

    Home Learning Tasks: A MyOn book has been set for home learning over the half-term.  We would like the children to read a short book about the human body to prepare them for their next topic – Inside Out.  Once read, they can take a quiz on it.  Access MyOn here...
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  • 14/10/22

    Weekly News 14.10.22

    This week, we have continued to read our text Floodland.  It has got really exciting!  At this stage, we have just read that the Eels have battled with an attacking tribe, the Cats, on the flooded land of Eels Island.  From this, we created some gory artwork that was fun to do: by fli...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695