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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 7.6.24

Welcome back everyone for the final term in Year 5 before moving on to Year 6!


This week, we have based our writing on Aidan Giboons' YouTube short 'The Piano' focusing on the use of emotive language. We intially listened to the music and built a bank of emotive words then we watched the first 27 seconds of the video. We wrote emotively about the opening scenes of the video before moving on to write about the next 20 seconds where the old man remembered playing piano with his wife. Next week, we will watch the rest of the video and continue to use emotive language in our writing. 


This week, we have been looking at geometry, specifically using co-ordinates and then translation. We started by plotting and identifying co-ordinates in one quadrant before moving into four quadrants and negative numbers. Next, we recapped how to translate shapes and solved a range of problems involving translations. Next week, we will be studying properties of shape.


In our afternoons this week, we have been looking at Healthy Relationships in our PSHE lessons. On Monday, we discussed what the effects of unkind words are and what makes a relationship healthy. We listed the healthy relationships in our lives with reasons why we had chosen them. We then held a circle time and discussed instances in our lives involving unkind words. On Wednesday, we listened to 'Wall in my Head' from Everybody's talking about Jamie and discussed the lyrics and their meanings as a class. We then created 'brick' inspired artwork based on those lyrics. Finally, we discussed the importance of healthy relationships online and created a poster to give advice to our peers on how to keep our online relationships healthy. We also started our Term 6 art unit on painting with a creation of a colour wheel.

This week, we were incredibly lucky as Junior Olympic gymnast Danny Crouch came to visit Chilton and complete a range of fitness actives and give a talk. Well done to Mr Cook for organising a wonderful morning. 

Home Learning

For home learning this week, please could children create a piece of learning to show what a health relationship looks like. As always, the children can complete this learning in any creative way of their choosing. 

Dates to Remember:

13th June - Year 5 local beach walk (trainers ok)

17th June - Book fair in school

17th June - Year 5 reward trip to the park (trainers ok) 

5th July - 3.15-5pm Summer Fair

10th July - Sports day KS2 9-11.30 and Year R/KS1 1.45-3

11th July - Music evening with Mr Redwood

11th July - Thanet Games triathalon year 5 and 6

12th July - School reports out to parents

15th, 16th, 17th July - Transitions days (children to spend these days with their new teachers)

18th July - Inflatable fun day

19th July - School finishes at 2pm

Have a wonderful week! 

The Year 5 team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695