Weekly News 14.6.2024
We have had another fantastic week in Year 3. Here is what we have been up to.
In English this week we have continued reading 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane' and discovered that Edward fell overboard and became separated from Abilene. We then wrote diary entries from Edward's viewpoint, focussing on using time adverbials, paragraphs to organise our ideas and emotive language to describe the events leading up to this. On Friday, we finalised our work on diary entries by recounting the same events but this time from Abilene's viewpoint.
Next week we will move on to narrative writing by writing what happens next for Abilene. We will be learning how to punctuate direct speech correctly to incorporate this into our writing.
This week we have been learning how to compare and convert units of length. We began the week by practising our measuring skills to measure different objects in mm, cm and metres. We then moved on to compare lengths measured in different units, before finalising our learning by converting and solving problems with different units.
Next week we will be continuing our learning on measures by moving on to measure units of mass in grams and kilograms.
Thematic Learning
Excitingly, we began our new Thematic Unit on Rainforests this week. We began the week by creating a mural of the rainforest, considering the different things that live there. Then, we learnt about biomes and created trioramas to show each of the biomes. Finally, we moved on to learn about the different layers of the rainforest and created fact flaps to show these. We were so impressed with the children's existing knowledge on the rainforest.
Next week we will be moving on to our Science learning, discovering the different functions of a plant and what it needs to stay alive.
Home Learning
For home learning we would like children to practise measuring and converting between different metric measures. This could be done in a variety of ways, including baking to measure mass and converting between grams and kilograms, or measuring the length of the garden with a tape measure and converting between metres and cms. Please take pictures of this creative learning and send them in or email to your class teacher.
Key Dates
17th June - Book Fair in School
5th July - Summer Fair
10th July - KS2 Sports Day 9-11:30
12th July - School Reports sent to Parents
15th, 16th and 17th July - Transition Days
18th July - Inflatable Fun Day
19th July - Last Day of School