Weekly News 26.4.2024
We have had another fantastic week this week in Year 3! Here is what I have been up to.
In English this week we have continued reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and wrote setting descriptions of the barn where Wilbur lives. We worked hard to include ambitious adjectives, noun phrases and simple and compound sentences in our writing. Some of us even challenged ourselves to use complex sentences! We were so impressed with the vocabulary that the children used and loved reading their fantastic work.
Next week, we will be moving on to write character descriptions of Templeton and Charlotte from our book. We will focus on using expanded noun phrases, verbs and adverbs in our writing.
This week, we have been learning different skills to help us add and subtract. We began the week by learning how to round. We used different rhymes and drew number lines to help us with this. We then moved on to use the bar model to solve word problems and find the inverse of a calculation. We talked about inverse meaning the opposite operation and were able to use bar models to find the inverse.
Next week we will be moving on to use multiplication and division in different contexts, including with fractions and when solving scaling problems.
Afternoon Learning
On Monday, we enjoyed our second PSHE lesson the term. We talked about our values as a person and represented ourselves in the form of animals. We repeated the phrase ‘I am valued, you are valued, we are valued’ and recognised both our own values and the values of others in the class.
In our History lessons, we have continued our learning on the Mayans. We learnt about the difference between primary and secondary sources and applied this learning to learn about Mayan Gods. We also learnt about the chronology of the Mayan Empire and Mayan Farming techniques.
Next week, we will be learning about Mayan hieroglyphics.
Home Learning
For Home Learning this week, please choose from one of the following activities:
Practise rounding 2 and 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 using this game on Topmarks. Rocket Rounding (topmarks.co.uk)
Write a setting description of somewhere you have visited over the weekend using ambitious adjectives and noun phrases.
Olympian Visit
We are incredibly excited to announce that on the 6th of June we have Olympic gymnast Danny Crouch visiting Chilton, to deliver a class assembly with a Q & A session and a short fitness session. Every child has received a sponsorship form this week to complete and fill in to try and raise as much money as possible for Danny to help him with his career. There will be prizes for the most amount raised! If you would like any extra information about Danny, his crowdfunding page is linked below.
Other News
Next Wednesday is our class assembly. We would love it if you could come along.
Please ensure that your child is reading at home and bringing their reading record in to school every day. The expectation for KS2 children is that children read four times a week with an adult at home.
PE day for Year 3 is a THURSDAY this term. Please send your child to school wearing full PE kit.
Top Up PE is a FRIDAY this term. Please could children come to school wearing their uniform and trainers.