Weekly News! 28.3.24
What a fabulous Easter filled week we have had!
Firstly, thank you to everyone who attended Come Dine with Me and the Easter Bonnet Parade. We really appreciate your support with these events. We hope you enjoyed them as much as we did!
Guided Reading
This week we been focusing on Reading for Pleasure. This week we spoke to our learning partners to find out what types of books they enjoy reading, we then chose a book from them from the book corner. We learnt Easter tongue twisters and even celebrated Hans Christian Andersen's birthday!
In English we have finalised our learning about non-fiction texts. The whole of Year 2 have shown so much engagement when learning about non-fiction texts. It has been lovely to hear all of the facts that they have learnt about bees, frogs and sharks!
After Easter, we will be starting a new book called Emily Brown and the Thing.
In Maths this week, we have been focusing on position and direction. We have been using vocabulary such as in, on, beneath, under, next to, beside, left, right, above, below, inside, outside, through, around, behind, in front, north, east, south and west. We have been using this language when tackling many different Easter themed problems!
After Easter, we will be focusing on Geometry - properties of shape!
Home Learning
For Easter, there will be no Home Learning set however what we would love for the children to do is explore Accelerated Reader with their own books from home. When you log in to AR, you can search books. We would like you to explore your own little libraries and complete quizzes!
Key Dates
Monday 15th April - Term 5 begin
** In term 5 PE will be on a Monday and Sports Slam will be on a Tuesday. **
We apologise for the error, please note the above changes.
Have a beautiful Easter and we will see you back on Monday 15th April.
Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow
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