Weekly news! 12.1.24
Guided Reading
This week we have been continuing our learning with Max by Bob Graham. When reading, we have been focusing on our fluency this week. We are becoming confident with the words in the book now and are beginning to read with increasing accuracy and expression.
This week we have freeze framed our favourite parts of Max by using superb drama skills focusing on our facial expressions and using our bodies to story tell. We moved on to looking at comprehension. We focused on thinking about the authors voice and discussing why Bob Graham may have made certain decisions for example, why do the family live in a lightning bolt house and why was the family a pet a budgie and not a fish. We finished the week by making a conscience alley. We wrote statements as to why it would be good to be a superhero and to not be a superhero. A member of the team had to walk through the alley and had to then decide which team they felt made the strongest argument.
In SPaG this week, we have been focusing on the suffix -er.
In English this week, we looked at expanded noun phrases! An expanded noun phrase is when you add more detail to the noun by adding one or more adjective for example a bright yellow, shiny lightning bolt. We were expanded noun phrase detectives by looking to see what expanded noun phrases in the story Max we could find. We decided that Bob Graham only sometimes used them so we could definitely improve his writing.
We practised writing expanded noun phrases within sentences and we have started to get confident with this writing skill. Well done Year 2!
In Maths this week, we learnt how to add using the column method! The column addition method is a way to add large numbers by stacking them and drawing vertical columns to separate each individual place value. Column addition has three steps: Create columns for each place value to be added. Add the digits in each vertical column. Check that each column in the calculation has only 1 digit.
Fact of the week
Thematic Curriculum
In Thematic Curriculum this week, we started our brand new unit of ‘The Harbour’. We started the week by looking at past and present day Ramsgate. We had a variety of pictures and we had to decide if we thought that was from the past or from present day. Using these pictures, we discussed similarities and differences from the past for example the beach looks very much the same however the harbour looks very different. In the past train station was by the beach but now it is a little distance away.
Later in the week we learnt why the harbour is called The Royal Harbour. We learnt that George IV visited Ramsgate in 1821 and loved it so much he declared the harbour to have the title The Royal Harbour. We made our own ideas on how we would welcome King George IV to Ramsgate. Take a look!
Love to Learn
Key Dates
2/2/24 – NSPCC Number day: Reception and KS1 to dress in anything related to number and Ks2 to dress as rock stars. £1 voluntary contribution for NSPCC.
2/2/24 – Number Day School Disco:
Reception and KS1 3.15-4.15 – Children who wish to attend will be taken by their teachers straight to the disco at 3.15 and can be collected from their classrooms at 4.15.
Ks2 – drop off and collection from front of school. More details will be sent out by the Chilton Fundraisers later in the term.
6/2/24 – Online safety day Children dress to express, meaning they come in whatever they like, bright clothes, sportswear, club uniforms…. whatever makes them feel happy!
6/2/24 Curry and Quiz school fundraiser for adults (details to arrive in the New Year)
9/2/24 - Last day of term
19/02/24 - Term 4 starts for children
Please may you bring in wellies for the children to use at lunch time on the field.
Sports Slam is on a Monday afternoon please can children come into school in their normal school uniform and wear trainers on this day.
This term Year 2 will continue to have PE on a Tuesday afternoon. Team Aqua will be inside for PE and Team Topaz will be outside for PE.
Read at 3 is on a Friday at 3pm.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
Miss Hall, Miss Davey, Mrs Barlow and Miss Kennedy
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