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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

W/B 12.12.22 Team Indigo and Team Royal

Wow, what an incredibly busy week we have had in Team Indigo and Team Royal, take a look at what we have been up to….

We would love to thank you all for attending our Nativity, I think we can all agree the children did a fantastic job we are so proud of them all! We could not have done this without all of your help on their wonderful costumes so thank you to you all.


This week in maths we have been focusing on adding and subtracting money using coins. We started the week becoming shopkeepers with our partners and purchasing items in the shop. We had to find if we had enough and what change we may end up with.


This week in English we ended our story with The Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. This week we have focused on our writing skills. We have written a letter to Santa from the stick children thanking him for the safe return of their Stick Dad.


In RWI this week we have been focusing on building up their fluency when reading, this included their pace, speed, expressions and reading punctuation. Any additional practice will be hugely beneficial.


This week we have been looking at the Christian Christmas story and how other countries celebrate Christmas. 


Celebrations and Festivities

We Celebrated by having a party full of games, food and a film at the end. We made paper chains and wrote what we are thankful for this time of year.


In term 3

In English, we will be looking at Julia Donaldson’s The Snail and the Whale we will continue to be focusing on our reading and our writing skills. We will be identifying rhyming words and writing our own poems.


In maths, we will be learning all about number and place value using a number line. We will be estimating on a number line and rounding up to the nearest 10. 

We need your help!

Next term our thematic curriculum will be covering Passion for Fashion, where we will be making our own clothes out of recyclable resources! If over Christmas you have any spare materials, tin foil, unused bin bags, bottle caps of various sizes, rolls, newspaper etc. we would love for you to donate these items to us for term 3.

Additional information

Sports Project is Monday trainers only

PE is Tuesday please can the children wear navy or black suitable clothing for sports and trainers.

Read at 3 will resume in Term 3.

Key dates to remember:

Term 3 begins on Wednesday 4th January 2023

Number Day Friday 3rd February

Term 3 ends Friday 10th February


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the Year 2 Team!

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695