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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News wb Monday 14th November - Team Indigo and Team Royal


We have all had a lovely week in Team Indigo and Team Royal. Take a look at what we have been learning.



This week in maths we have been focusing on Division. We started the week sharing, we looked at the divisor to see how many sharing circles we needed to draw. Next, we looked at the first number and counted carefully and sharing equally in the circles. For example,



For the latter part of the week we looked at grouping. We had to see how many groups we needed. We did this by looking at the divisor and counting out that number carefully then circling them into a group. We did this until we had nothing left over. We then were able to count how many groups there were.




This week the children in RWI have been focusing on set 3 sounds and re-reading sentences to check it makes sense. We have also been checking for capital letters, spelling mistakes and full stops. The children are really building on their fluency when reading, any additional reading at home would be hugely beneficial.


This week in English we have continued to look at The Gruffalo’s Child by Julia Donaldson. This week we have focused our skills on exploring the scenery and the setting of the book. We have used our 5 senses to bring to life the book and be able to describe the scenery. We were really able to immerse ourselves into the book this week and were even able to explore our woodland area too. We have been using various punctuation including (? ! . ,), have looked at co-ordinating conjunctions and, or, but, and focused on using word classes for example, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and nouns to really describe the setting of the book.



Thematic Curriculum

This week we have been historians and geographers! In history this week we looked at when animals used to be in the circus and how they could have been treated. We wrote a postcard to the Circus on how the animals may feel and what acts they could use instead of animals. In geography this week we looked at maps, symbols and keys. We looked at a variety of maps and enjoyed creating our own maps. To end the week we imagined a circus was coming to school, and we needed to create a map for the visitors that would attend the circus. We had to think what our key would need to show and the symbols on the map.


This week in SPaG, we have been focusing on the past and present tense.


Here is another great catchy song we have been listening to this week:


Next week in:

Next week in maths we will be learning fractions.



Next week in our Thematic Curriculum we will become Scientists, and we will learn about the materials used to make a big top and costumes.

Next week in SPaG we will be learning alternative ways to spell ay, ee, igh, ow and oo.




Love to Learn – Friday 18th November

Due back – Wednesday 23rd November

This week for your Love to Learn task, we would love for you to Change these sentences to past tense. 


  1. I visit my friend who lives in another city.






  1. They enjoy travelling the countryside to search for wild animals. 






  1. My friend and I play hide and seek. 




Create your own sentence



Read at 3

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and adults that were able to attend this week’s Read at 3 with the children.


Other News

Monday is our Sports Project day. Please can children still wear their full school uniform with trainers.


Tuesday is our P.E day. Please can the children come to school in their P.E kit. Just a reminder this should be blue or black shorts/trousers and a plain white top.


Doors will continue to open in the morning at 8:30am. Registration will be at the slightly earlier time of 8:45am (doors close at this time).


As the weather is beginning to get colder please can children bring in a coat which is clearly named.

We are also fortunate enough to have a woodland area at school where we can learn and explore and a playground that can accumulate many puddles. Please if you can, could your child bring in wellies that are named in a bag. We have facilities where they can be kept at school.



We are so excited to put on a Christmas Performance for you all this year. Some children will be bringing home a slip of paper with lines to practise at home for the performance.


Please may we have costumes in school clearly labelled in a named bag by Tuesday 6th December.

Key dates to remember:

Come Dine with me (Year 2 only) Friday 25th November – Year 2

Book Fair in school – Monday 28th November – Thursday 1st December

Non-Uniform Day - Monday 28th Non-school uniform day in return for white bags and bottles for Tombola

Christmas Fair - Tuesday 29th November

Christmas performance Tuesday 13th December at 9:15am.

Christmas Parties – Thursday 15th December

 Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner – Friday 16th December


 Term 2 ends at 2pm – Friday 16th December

 Term 3 begins – Wednesday 4th January


Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695