Weekly News! 15.9.23
What an amazing week we have had together! We have had a wonderful week of learning and fun!
Take a look to see what we have been up to!
Read, Write Inc.
This week we have continued working hard in our Read, Write, Ink groups. We have been practising spotting our sounds and then using fred talk to read words. We have also been continuing to used our fred fingers to help us write the words in our books, but not for the red words because we all know you can't fred a red! In your child’s reading folders, you will find some set 1,2 and 3 sounds and also some red words. Any practise with these would be wonderful!
In Maths, we have been working super hard! We started the week by finding missing numbers on the number line, we were so good at this! We then had to count numbers and display these on a tens frame like this…
This is how we can show 5.
We then practised writing numbers in numerals and even words! We ended the week by identifying odd and even numbers!
Next week we will be looking at number bonds within 10 and number bonds to 10!
Thematic Curriculum
This week we started our brand-new thematic topic ‘My home, my town’ we started off by looking at our BIG question ‘What is special about your home’ We came up with wonderful ideas such as the beach, the town, the parks, and the people (The community) We also looked at what a timeline is and recognised how we had changed since we were babies. We ended the week by having the most wonderful visit from some of our grandparents! (THANK YOU!!!) We loved looking at the photos that they brought from their past and hearing all about our family histories from a time before we were alive. We found out all sorts of interesting facts, such as the jobs that our grandparents did and what their lives were like when they were children. What a lovely week of learning we have had!