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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! w/b: 9.1.23

We have enjoyed an exciting week in Year 1, from 80s aerobics fitness to fashion in the Renaissance, we have loved immersing ourselves in our learning.

Read, Write Inc

This week we have continued to learn and review our sounds, spotting and spelling them in words. We have kept up our partner reading, taking it in turns to practice the green and red words in the stories.

In each reading folder, there is a sound card and list of red words. Any practise with these at home would be extremely helpful and support your child’s reading and writing at home.

Every morning can all children place their reading folders inside their house trays in the conservatory please :) This helps us keep track of their reading and how many books they have read. Thank you. 


This week in maths we have been focussing on number and place value. We started off by using objects from around the classroom to make ten. Then we added more objects and practised how to count on from ten, rather than counting in ones from the beginning again in order to find the total. After that we had to pick a number card from our table, before making this with ones in base ten and regrouping the ten, to make it easier for us to count!

Thematic Curriculum

This week we kicked off our new topic 'I Care About Me!' with an 80s aerobics fitness session (everyone looked fabulous in their outfits - big thank you to the adults!). We discussed how exercise keeps our bodies fit and healthy and the different types of exercise we can do. Next, we talked about how we have to get our heart rate pumping in order to keep our heart healthy and we learnt how to measure our heart rate by counting the beats per minute. Then it was time to get our bodies moving! Measuring our heartbeat again after working out showed us that exercising causes the heart to beat faster, pumping more blood around the body. Later in the week, we learnt about the Italian artist Arcimboldo, discussing how life in the Renaissance was different to life now. We were particularly interested in the fashion of the time, follow the QR codes below for a peek! Tomorrow we will be critiquing the unusual portraits that Arcimboldo painted and creating our own portraits out of fruit and vegetables!

Next week…

In Maths, we will be practising how to add and subtract on a number line.

In the afternoons, we will be doing History and Science, learning all about famous people from the past and how they contributed to the world of medicine!

 Love to Learn:

This week we would love for you to document the ways in which you stay healthy. This could be a list of the foods that you eat, or photos of you participating in your favourite sport. Bonus points for explaining why the activities are healthy!

Other news:

Sports Project will remain on Tuesdays, as will P.E. on Thursdays.

Doors will continue to open in the morning at 8:30am. Registration will be at the slightly earlier time of 8:45am (doors close at this time)

Read at 3 - Every Friday at 3 our doors will be open for you to come in and read with your child, please note, this will be for the full 15 minutes and children should not leave any earlier. Their books will be set up and ready for you to come in and enjoy listening to their wonderful reading.

Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in our Chilton Heroes assembly and there are also individual class prizes to be won :)

Mrs Howard will be teaching Team Topaz on a Wednesday and Team Aqua on a Thursday.

Dates to remember:

Tuesday 17th January - Sound workshop

Wednesday 1st February - Exit point - Children can bring in their pyjamas, slippers, teddy and blanket for a sleep workshop! (In a bag for the afternoon).

Friday 3rd February - NSPCC Number Day - Please dress up in number themed clothing, a times tables rock star or a maths superhero!


Number Day is back on Friday 3rd February. The children are invited to dress in number themed clothing, as a Times Table Rockstar or as a Maths Superhero for a voluntary donation for the NSPCC charity. The children will undertake a range of creative maths challenges throughout the day. In addition, parents are invited to join their child for a problem-solving activity, in their classroom, at 2:30pm until the end of the day. 

Have a wonderful weekend,  

Mrs Winchcombe, Miss Bryson and all the Year 1 team.


Mrs Poppy Winchcombe – Team Topaz –

Miss Polly Bryson – Team Aqua -

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695