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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 27th January 2023

We have had another fabulous week in Reception. The children have all been superstars again this week.

Pillow cases…

If you have any spare pillow cases you no longer need at home, please send these in to school (the children will be making their own superhero capes next week!)

Important Dates:

  • Thursday 9th February – children will be tasting Chinese food. Please refer to the message sent out this week regarding paying for this. If you have any questions regarding this, please speak to your child’s class teacher. Many thanks!

  • Number Day -  Number Day is back on Friday 3rd February. The children are invited to dress in number themed clothing, as a Times Table Rockstar or as a Maths Superhero for a voluntary donation for the NSPCC charity. The children will undertake a range of creative maths challenges throughout the day. In addition, parents are invited to join their child for a problem-solving activity, in their classroom, at 2:30pm until the end of the day. 


In Term 3, we spend a little longer in our RWI groups each day. We will be continuing to learn Set 1 sounds. Some groups will be focusing on learning special friends. This is where 2 letters make 1 sound (e.g. sh, th, ch, ng).

Miss Gorham’s group have started to learn Set 2 sounds:

ay – ay, may I play (play, stay, clay)

ee – what can you see (feet, see, seen)

igh – fly high (night, sight, tight)

ow – blow the snow (snow, blow, flow)

oo –poo at the zoo (zoom, soon, moon)

oo – look at the book (bool, shook, cook)

ar – start the car (car, far, star)

or – shut the door (fork, pork)

air – that’s not fair (fair, pair)

ir – whirl and twirl (shirt, skirt)

ou – shout it out (out, about)

oy – enjoy the toy (toy, boy, enjoy)


This week we have been learning to add. We have been learning what additon is (combining groups together), have been orally talking about number stories involving additoon (e.g. there were 5 sheep in the field, 2 more sheep come, there are 7 sheep altogether). We have been writing our own addition calculations using + and = and have been using different resources to add numbers together.

Next week, we will be learning to subtract.


This week we have been reading Eliot Midnight Superhero. This book is about a boy who becomes a superhero during the night. We have had great fun coming up with different missions that Eliot could go on. We have worked hard to create our own storyboard to show a different mission and have worked with our partner to act out our own story. Through our learning about superheroes, we have also learned about forces (e.g. push, pull, twist, squeeze) and how we can use these forces as a superhero!


A reminder that children should come in to school on a Friday in their PE kits.

Children should come in to school on a Wednesday in their school uniform, but with trainers.

Junk modelling

If you have any junk modelling (boxes, egg cartons, yoghurt pots etc) at home, please send them in to school so we can use them. Thank you!

Email addresses for contact:

Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Many thanks,

The EYFS Team

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695