We have had another fabulous week in Reception, The children are continuing to impress us with how well they are continuing to settle in to life at Chilton. Well done to all of the children!
This week, we have been learning these sounds: i, n, p, g
These sounds have been added to your child’s pink sounds book. Many thanks to those parents/carers who supported their child to complete the sounds last week. A reminder that these sounds books are due to be returned on a Thursday morning each week.
We have been learning to write these sounds and we have started to put sounds together to read simple words with the class teacher.
This week we have been exploring numbers 1-5. We have been learning to recognise what these numbers look like when they are written, to count out a quantity from a larger amount and have been exploring different resources in the classroom and outside to develop our counting skills. One of the resources we have used is Numicon. We use Numicon a lot in Reception. This is what it looks like in case your child comes home talking about it:
Next week in maths we will be continuing to develop our counting skills, with a focus on numbers 6-10.
Below are some photos of Team Azure exploring numbers 1-5 in their maths lesson.
We have been continuing our topic, Marvellous Me! This week we have been developing our ‘talk partner’ skills. We have been learning to look at our partner when talking and to take it in turns. With our talk partner, we have been discussing what we like and dislike. This week we have also been learning about what babies and children can and cannot do.
Today we had our first PE lesson! Thank you to parents/carers for remembering to send your child in to school in their PE kit. All children will need to come in to school in their PE kit every Friday from now. Thank you!
Please make sure that all uniform is named before the children start school as it makes returning lost items easier! Please ensure that the correct uniform is being worn at all times.
Returning clothing to school
If your child has needed to wear some of the school’s uniform (underwear as well as clothes), please could these be washed and then returned as soon as possible. We are already running very low on pants and knickers. Thank you in advance.
Water bottles
Children will need to have a named water bottle in school with fresh water each day. We can fill these up in school if they finish their bottle. Drinking water regularly is very important for children so we encourage them to drink throughout the day.
Morning routines/Building independence
Many thanks to those parents who are allowing their child to come in to the classroom by themselves in the mornings. This is very much appreciated as it helps the children to become independent.
Email addresses for contact:
Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Friday 16th September at 2:45pm (in the hall) – Welcome to Reception – if you were unable to attend, you should have access to a recording of this meeting – please let us know if you are unable to access it.
Friday 30th September at 2:45pm (in the hall) – Introduction to Phonics
Thursday 29th September – Dress to Express day – children can come in to school in clothes which express themselves (bright colours, club uniforms, a t-shirt showing what they like). PLEASE do not buy anything for this day, please use what you have at home already!
Monday 17th October – Harvest festival assembly
Thursday 20th October – parents/carers invited in to taste the delicious bread children will be making
Friday 21st October – last day of Term 1
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,