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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance


Page 5

  • 12/05/23

    12th May 2023

    What a wonderful week we have had in Reception. Yet again, the children have worked very hard in all areas of their learning and have made great some great achievements- well done Team Reception!   Can we remind adults that children need to be in school uniform and refrain from sending in...
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  • 04/05/23

    Friday 5th May

    Here we are at the end of another fantastic week of learning in reception. The weather is on the turn for the better, and it is bringing nothing but joy and giving us all a spring in our step! Our plants in class are continuing to grow!  We enjoy watering and caring for them daily, and we ha...
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  • 20/04/23

    20th April 2023

    Welcome back Team Peacock and Team Azure. We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break, it has been lovely seeing all the children and welcoming them back for our penultimate term. RWI This week the children may have started in a new group, or have a new teacher. Most children are learnin...
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  • 24/03/23

    Friday 24th March

    We have reached the end of the penultimate week of term 4. This term has flown by, time flies when you are having fun! We would like to say a huge thank you to all who joined us this afternoon for our book look after school. We hope you enjoyed looking through your child's learning.  Pho...
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  • 17/03/23

    Friday 17th March

    We have had a really lovely week in Reception! Requests Many thanks to the lovely photos you have sent in of your child as a baby/toddler to help start our new topic in Term 5. If you have not yet sent these in, please do so ASAP. Please email them to Mrs Cotton or Mrs Walker. Many thanks...
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  • 09/03/23

    Friday 10th March 2023

    This week's learning has been our of this world!
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  • 03/03/23

    Friday 3rd March

    World Book Day WOW! Thank you so much for the effort put into the children’s first World Book Day at Chilton. The children looked fantastic in their costumes, and spoke confidently about their characters and their favourite books. It is such a lovely way to share stories together and develo...
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  • 23/02/23

    Friday 24th February

    We have had a great start to Term 4 in Reception! Lunchtimes Just so that you are aware, at lunchtime play, the children in Reception will be allowed to play on the larger playground as well as having access to the Year R garden. This means that children will have the opportunity to use the cl...
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  • 09/02/23

    What an end to Term 3!

    This week marks the last of our third term in reception. It has been yet another successful term in which the children have shown their enthusiasm towards learning. At the beginning of the week, we had our Safer Internet Day in which the children learnt how to keep themselves safe when using de...
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  • 03/02/23

    Friday 3rd February - NUMBER DAY

    Well done for reaching the end of the penultimate week of term. Today was Number Day and the children all looked fantastic! Thank you for your efforts and your donations, these are very much appreciated. Our learning for number day focussed on the book One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab. We were able...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695