Friday 11th March 2022
Year 5 have had another incredible week of learning! Here is what we have been up to this week:
In English this week we have been focussing on using figurative language, such as personification, similes and metaphors in our writing. We applied this by writing a setting description, and character descriptions of Odysseus, Circe T, and Cyclops in our class text, The Adventures of Odysseus. We also looked at developing the adjectives that we use in our expanded noun phrases, using thesauruses to help.
Next week, we will be looking at using emotive language to write a diary entry from the viewpoint of Odysseus regarding the events in chapter six of the book.
In maths this week we have been learning about time conversions, including converting between seconds, minutes, days, hours, weeks, months and years. We created reference cards in our maths journals to help us remember all of this information. Year 5 showed amazing progress with this throughout the week, so on Friday we moved on to solve problems using information from timetables. We will continue this on Monday.
Next week we will be learning how to reflect and translate shapes across quadrants, using coordinates to help us.
Afternoon Learning
During the afternoons this week, we began our new topic about Ancient Greece. On Monday, we discussed our big question 'The Ancient Greeks invented democracy. What would life be like without it?'. We had some great discussions about the meaning of the word 'democracy' and how important it is in modern day life. Later on in the week, we moved on to learn about Ancient Greek architecture, such as the Parthenon and the Temple of Olympian. We then recreated these in small teams, using just paper and masking tape.
Next week, we will be designing and creating our own ancient Greek toys, using cams to create a mechanism.
Home Learning
For home learning this week, we would like the children to complete the MyMaths tasks assigned on converting times. If your child has lost their login, please contact their class teacher and they will pass on this information to you.
We have also set a reading task on MyOn. We would like the children to read the book assigned and then complete the quiz on this. The login for MyOn is the same as for Accelerated Reader.
Please continue to read regularly at home and quiz using Accelerated Reader.
Next Friday is Comic Relief and the theme is funny for money. This could be by wearing pyjamas, having crazy hair or another way. Feel free to be creative!
Next Friday you will also be invited into the classroom at the end of the day to see all of the amazing work that your child has produced this year.
Monday 21st March and Tuesday 22nd March are Year 5 parent consultations in the hall. These can be booked online, but if you are having trouble booking an appointment, please contact the office who will be able to help you with this.
Wednesday is our PE day this term. Children should come to school wearing (weather appropriate) PE kit. This includes blue/black tracksuit and a white t-shirt.