Weekly News 11.10.24
Week 6 of term has been another great one for Year 4. Here is what we have been up to this week...
In English this week we have been learning about how to write an Information Text. We began by looking at a variety of non-fiction information books and identifying the features they have e.g. main title, subheadings, paragraphs, factual statements, questions, commands, exclamation sentences, pictures with captions, labelled diagrams, and compound and complex sentences. In our writing this week, we have learnt to organise factual information into paragraphs using subheadings, write a variety of sentence types (simple, compound and complex), how to write captions to label pictures and how to create a labelled diagram. Next week we will learn how to use cause and effect conjunctions and learn to include statements, questions, commands and exclamation sentences in our non-fiction writing. Then we will plan and write our showpiece, which will be an information sheet about tigers.
Next week's fact of the week is 6 X 9 = 54
In maths this week we have been learning to divide. We have learnt to divide by 10 or 100 using place value sliders - the children were amazing at this! We then used our times tables knowledge to find missing numbers in division calculations e.g. 54 ÷ ? = 6 or ? ÷ 3 = 6. The children have learnt that division is not commutative like multiplication (this means division cannot be done in any order) and that division is the inverse of multiplication. We then used place value counters to make the link between sharing, grouping and the short division method (bus stop) like this:
Here we are doing this...
Finally, the children have learnt how to divide a larger number by a 1 digit number using short division, also known as the bus stop method. Here is an example.
Next week we will be learning to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks (12 hour). If you have any time to go over how to tell the time on an analogue clock over the weekend, we would very much appreciate it!
In computing this week, the children learnt about the importance of password security. We learnt that many people use common passwords such as their name or birthday or even just 'password' and that these passwords are not good as they are easy to guess. We also learnt that we should not use the same password for all of our accounts and that we should not share our passwords with anyone (except our parents and carers). We then learnt to code using Scratch. Here we are making a band with a person singing and two instruments that played a sound and an appropriate background for our performance. We had great fun. We also had time to have a go at making a simple jumping game. Here are the two links to videos that show both of these Scatch projects as the children were eager to have a go at home. There is also a link to the Scratch website.
Here we are enjoying our coding sessions:
Next week we will be learning about noise pollution and about how people can communicate without sound.
Love to Learn
This week's home learning task is maths. Choose 6 of the calculations below (you can, of course, do them all if you wish) and calculate the answers using short multiplication (column method) or short division (bus stop method - see above for an example). Make sure you do some multiplication questions and some division questions.
362 x 5 = 94 x 6 = 35 x 2 = 817 x 4 = Find the product of 3 and 178 32 x 2 =
90 ÷ 5 = 369 ÷ 3 = 42 ÷ 2= 64 ÷ 4 = 648 ÷ 4 = 135 ÷ 3 =
Please could this challenge be handed in by Wednesday 16th October.
Spellings to learn for Mrs Cousins' group:
air, pair, chair, upstairs, hairy, fairy, airport, unfair, they, your, by
Challenge words: wheelchair, hairbrush
Spellings to learn for Mr Oxley, Miss Stephen's and Mr Keam's groups:
crunch. patch, clutch, peach, porch, screech, approach, decide, describe, different
Challenge: rematch, sandwich
Dates to remember
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited into look at children’s books at 3.15pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children
Many thanks
We hope you have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cousins, Mr Oxley and Mrs Tamarro