Weekly News 28.06.24
Important Dates
1st July - Year 6 to Elevate
2nd July - Year 6 to London
3rd, 4th and 5th July - Year 6 transition days (dates vary depending on school they are transitioning to)
5th July - 3.15-5pm Summer Fair
10th July - Sports day KS2 9-11.30 and Year R/KS1 1.45-3
11th July - Year 6 assembly at 9am
11th July - Music evening with Mr Redwood
11th July - Thanet Games Triathlon year 5 and 6
12th July - School reports out to parents
15th, 16th, 17th July - Transition days (children to spend these days with their new teachers)
18th July - Inflatable fun day and year 6 leavers party 3.30-6
19th July - Year 6 graduation
19th July - School finishes at 2pm
The week's activities
This week, we challenged ourselves with our visualising skills: during maths, we played Mastermind, where we created a sequence of coloured pegs and our partner had to solve the order of the colours, using clues given to us.
We also learned the importance of our digital footprint: after a fun activity of creating a paint trail with our own feet, we discussed what online cookies were and how we can protect ourselves when online: what we post, share and view online stays online. Afterwards, we were introduced to Tinkercad, which is a computer-assisted design program, which we hope to use more of next week. We explored the program's features and experimented with how designers create using the Internet as a tool.
In small groups, we designed a steady hand game, carefully considering the design specifications: will there be a theme? Who is our target audience? How will you make it appealing? How will we make it safe? We drew our the circuit using scientific symbols before creating the game itself. We had lots of making them and we evaluated their success by talking to our friends after they played them.