'It's Good to be Me!'
It's Good to be Me!
Welcome back to Term 5! We hope that you all had an enjoyable and restful Easter.
We have kicked off this term with the topic 'It's Good to be Me'. This is a theme that will run alongside our topics throughout term 5, culminating in a celebration at the end of term. Please keep an eye on the school newsletter, which will inform you of the dates and times of the celebration. We started the week by thinking about what the word special means and why it is amazing that we are all different. We then considered what is special about us and why it is good to be us. We went to the forest school and made models of the things we are good at. We also made pictures showing all the people and things that are special to us. Finally, this week we use charcoal to create some very special self portraits. We cannot wait for you to see all our 'Good to be Me' work at the end of term.
In Maths this week, we have been finding all the different ways you can make the number 10. We used a variety of resources to make 10 in different ways and have even begun to remember learn some of the number bonds to 10 (e.g. 9+1 and 5+5) by heart.
In English, we have all started to learn the set 2 sounds (ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, ar, or, air, oa, ir and oy. We are beginning to read and write words containing these sounds. We are also working hard to learn to read and spell our 'red words'. These are words we have to learn from sight. We are doing really well with these.
Today you will receive a letter home about Zoolab. They are coming to visit us on the 15th May to kick off our Minibeasts topic. We are very excited.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!