Weekle News 26.01.2024!
Another wonderful week has come to an end in Reception. The children have continued to impress us with their learning this week. A big well done to all of them!
This week we have continued our Read, Write, Inc lessons in small groups. Each group will focus on the sounds and the skills suited to them. To support at home, you can continue to use the pink sounds books (which can now be kept at home) to make sure that they can speedily recall the sounds. Children can also use the space on the pages to practise writing the sounds. If your child has a reading book from school, please listen to them read regularly at home. Books are changed on a Tuesday and a Friday in school. If your child has a lilac book (no words), please encourage your child to say what they can see on the page, can they make up their own story to match the pictures?
This week we have been learning about capacity and volume. We have been learning to compare how much is in each container and saying which one holds less or more. At the end of the week we have been developing our visualisation skills. We have been looking at pictures of objects and trying hard to recreate these pictures using Duplo blocks, cubes and 3D shapes. We were so good at this!
Next week we will be looking at patterns, describing the rule, repeating the pattern and also spotting and fixing errors in a pattern.
Thematic Curriculum
In the afternoons this week we have been reading Eliot Midnight Superhero. The children have loved listening to this story and completing activities around it. We have been thinking about what other adventures and missions Eliot could go on to help the people in his community. The children then chose one of those ideas and created a storyboard. Towards the end of the week, the children used collage skills to create a medal which could have been awarded to Eliot in the story and we learned about forces (e.g. push, pull, twist) and linked these to the story.
PE kits need to be worn in to school each Friday please.
Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.
All clothing to be named please!
Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books.
Term 3 dates:
2/2/24 – NSPCC Number day: Reception and KS1 to dress in anything related to number and Ks2 to dress as rock stars. £1 voluntary contribution for NSPCC.
2/2/24 – Number Day School Disco:
Reception and KS1 3.15-4.15 – Children who wish to attend will be taken by their teachers straight to the disco at 3.15 and can be collected from their classrooms at 4.15.
Ks2 – drop off and collection from front of school.
More details will be sent out by the Chilton Fundraisers later in the term.
5/2/24 – Chinese food tasting for Reception children
6/2/24 – Online safety day Children dress to express, meaning they come in whatever they like, bright clothes, sportswear, club uniforms…. whatever makes them feel happy!
6/2/24 Curry and Quiz school fundraiser for adults (details to arrive in the New Year)
9/2/24 - Last day of term
19/02/24 - Term 4 starts for children
e-mail addresses
Many thanks for all your continued support,
EYFS team
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