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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 22.09.23


In English this week, we have continued with writing recounts in the form of a diary entry and a letter from a variety of perspectives/viewpoints. We focused on using emotive language and challenged ourselves to use interesting synonyms. In addition, we looked at using both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions within our writing to extend and create further interest. This week, we finished off this topic by writing some great letters from ‘Grandpa’, from our ‘Gregory Cool’ guided reading book.

Next week, we are starting our new book ‘Iron Man’ and our writing focus is character descriptions.


This week we have looked at subtraction using the column method. After initially starting with no exchanging to consolidate our learning, we began to move on to single and multiple re-groupings/exchanges as the week progressed. We have also tackled subtracting a number with 0, - for example, 4022-1853. They have continued to build their confidence with the method as the week went on and applied their knowledge to solving problems containing subtraction.

Next week, we are looking at multiplication using the expanded grid method.

Thematic curriculum

Continuing with our thematic unit ‘Make Some Noise!’, we have carried out several investigations looking at pitch and volume. We first looked at sound waves and how they move. We were able to see how sound waves move using a slinky and related each push to a sound vibration. It was clear to see the impact the volume (harder and softer pushes) and pitch (quicker and slower pushes) had in a visual, practical way.

Then, we explored pitch more closely by trying to work out which object/instrument would have the lowest/highest pitch. Firstly, the children received two different sized keys from an xylophone. They had to predict whether the bigger or smaller one was going to have a higher pitch. As the smaller one has less area, we said that it would vibrate quicker, therefore creating a higher pitch, and we were correct! Then we looked at 4 glasses of water, all containing a different amount of water. Once again, we predicted which one would have the highest pitch when tapped, and it was the glass with no water in it! How interesting! Finally, using tape and some straws, we made our own pan flutes with the shortest straw having the highest pitch and the longest straw having the lowest pitch! It was great fun!

Our final investigation looked at volume more closely. We tried to find the quietest to loudest sounds we made using water and paper! Although some of us got a little wet… it was so fun! We then recorded our results in a table.

Love to Learn

Your love to learn challenge this week is… ART!

We would love you to make a collage using any material! You can make one of the following designs:

  • A face

  • An instrument

  • An animal

Please send completed homework in by Wednesday 27th September.


This week we will be focusing on words ending in ‘sure’.

Words to practice for a spelling test on Wednesday 27th September:

treasure, measure, leisure, enclosure, pleasure, pressure.

Challenge: composure, fissure.


Reading at home

Please can we ask children to read at home 4 times a week. 

When reading at home, please can we ask an adult to sign their reading record to confirm that they have read. Your child is more than welcome to clearly write in the date and book(s) read, but a parent/carers signature next to it would be amazing!

Other News

Please remember to check the school’s uniform policy. Hair accessories and PE jackets should be black, navy or blue.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695