Welcome to Year 2! We hope you have had an incredible summer break, had lots of fun and found some time to have a rest. We're very excited to welcome you to the year group and share all the exciting learning we have planned for you. We know that you may be feeling a mixture of emotions on your return to school but please be rest assured we will be there to support you.
Sports Project is on a Monday afternoon (please wear trainers and normal school clothes).
PE is on a Tuesday afternoon please can all children come into school in their PE kits (plain navy or black shorts or trousers, plain white t-shirt and a navy sweatshirt).
Reading books - Please bare with us in regard to your child's reading books. These will be sent home as soon as possible, while we ensure they are given the correct reading levels.
AR- Accelerated Reader have completed a whole system update over the summer and this website is currently being updated. Whilst this is still ongoing we do not have access to this, please bare with us we will send updates ASAP.
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 4th September from 8.30am-8.45am.
Miss Hall, Miss Davey, Mrs Barlow and the Year 2 Team
Photo: From left to right Mrs Brown, Miss Hall, Miss Davey, Mrs Barlow, Mrs English and Miss Wong.