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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

7th July 2023

Firstly, a huge well done to Reception on their first ever sports day! The children all played a huge part in the successes of the event and we couldn’t have been prouder of their achievements. They showed incredible team work skills and were all challenging themselves in all of the activities, well done Reception! Secondly, the week coming will see bits and bobs being sent home, may we ask that you bring a named carrier bag that we can hang on their pegs on Monday, thank you. Lastly, can we remind you to resist from letting the children play with our equipment after school. Things have been left out and untidy and in some cases broken. We know it’s tempting for them, but we are grateful for the children’s equipment and toys to be left so they are available for their learning, thank you again.

Important Dates:

Warmer weather- as the weather continues to stay warm, please ensure you send your child in with a water bottle and sun hat. We also advise that you apply suncream in the mornings.

Chilton transition days for Years R – 5 – Monday 17th July to Wednesday 19th July - The children will spend three days with their teachers for the new academic year.

Inflatable Fun Day – Thursday 20th July - We will have several inflatables on the playground for a reward for all of the children at the end of the school year.

Final Day of Term – Friday 21st July - We will be waving goodbye to our Year 6 children from 1:00 and the rest of the children will finish school at 2:00


The children have been using capital letters in their independent writing and it’s wonderful to see the progress made this year in their confidence to write independently. We are carrying on with rehearsing set 2 sounds and encouraging the children to use these in their reading and writing. Again, thank you for your continued support at home with the children’s reading and writing, it does not go unnoticed.  


The children have been sequencing events by making their very own jam sandwiches. They used vocabulary such as firstly, net, then and finally to describe the steps they needed to take. The children have also been drawing and writing their own steps to help others who need to make a jam sandwich.

Next week, the children will be focussing on repeated patterns in songs, rhymes and their environment such as wallpapers.


A fabulous story to start the week by reading ‘Dinosaur Farm’ which the children thought was very funny! They had to become a farmer and look farmer and look after their own dinosaurs. They learned about different habitats that the dinosaurs could live in and made their own using a range of items in their environment.

Next week, the children will be reading ‘Harry and his bucket of Dinosaurs’ going on their own adventure…

We hope you have a restful weekend, see you Monday!

Email addresses for contact:

Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695