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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly Learning w/b 19.06.23

Important messages 

Don’t forget next Friday 30th June is our trip to the London Eye. Please arrive in school at normal time as the coaches will be leaving promptly. Remember School uniform should be worn with comfortable shoes or trainers as we will be doing a lot of walking. Children should bring packed lunches and plenty to drink. Please speak to the office if you require a school packed lunch.  Here are our depictions of London that we have added to on display in our classrooms:


Other Key dates coming up: 

Week beginning 3rd July secondary schools will have their transition days – Please see individual schools for information. 

Tuesday 4th July – World War Two dress up day – please come to school dressed as someone from WW2, this could be a soldier, land girl or home front guard – Remember we do not expect you to purchase an outfit for this but in the spirit of WW2 ‘Make do and Mend’.  

Monday 10th July - Sport’s Day : Children to wear bright colours.  Parents are welcome from 9:15am

Wednesday 12th July - Trip to Elev8 (Clothing suitable to bounce – sportswear) 

Friday 14th July – Trip to Go Ape (Clothing suitable for high ropes and trainers) 

Monday 17th Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th – Pupils to come in own sportswear for activities on the field. 

Thursday 20th – Inflatable fun day and Year 6 Leaver’s Party (3:30 – 6pm) 

Friday 21st July - Graduation Day – Parent's to be on the school field for 9:45 


Learning in Year 6: 

-In English this week, we completed our information leaflets about places to visit in London. The children will take these with them next Friday. We then began planning our non-chronological reports on autism; these will be completed next week. 

-In Maths lessons, we have been looking at ratio. We used this to work out how a recipe to make 12 biscuits can be scaled down to make 4 biscuits.  On Friday, we cooked our biscuits and created packaging from a net after decorating them.  In the spirit of 'Dig For Victory' during World War II, we used seasonal ingredients that could have been used during the war.


-In Thematic lessons, we learned more about rationing and where our food comes from. We sketched then tried some seasonal fruits and vegetables (peas, strawberries and broad beans). We ended the week using carrots (easily grown during WW2) and flour from our Flour Baby project to make carrot biscuits. We also made the boxes for our biscuits in Design Technology. 


-Children have been very responsible throughout our Flour Babies Project.  They worked individually and in pairs to look after a bag of flour for one week.  The object of the task was to prioritise and organise themselves so that they are thinking of something first other than themselves.  Despite some bags of flour being ripped, all the children learnt the importance of being responsible. 


Next Week: 

-In English, we will be continuing to read our class text ‘The London Eye Mystery’ and carry on with our non-chronological reports on autism. 

In Art, we are going to be drawing vegetables in preparation for our propaganda posters linked to WW2. 

In French, we will continue to develop our vocabulary about shopping: this will include asking how much an item will cost (combien?), name a few types of shops and list things that they will buy.  We will build on our understanding of what we like (J'aime...) and what we don't like (Je n'aime pas).

For Love to Learn, children should bring to school lyrics to their favourite song for our Reading for Pleasure sessions. 



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695