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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 16.6.23


Throughout maths this week, the children have been learning about volume and capacity. We began the week by converting and comparing units of measurement, we looked at L, CL and ML. The children found it difficult to begin with but improved incredibly over the week! Throughout the week, we also learnt how to solve world problems and scaling problems.


This week in English, we started our new book called ‘Indian in the Cupboard’. It is about a little boy called Omri who put his Indian toy into the cupboard. After a while, the Indian comes to life and Omri’s friends don’t belive him. We have concentrated on fronted adverbials and inferring characters feelings through show not tell. For example, trembling or clenching his fists instead of scared and angry.


In Thematic, we started our new topic called ‘Earth shattering events’. We began the week by completing our art part where we made paper mâché volcanoes. They look amazing! We then started to look at the layers of the earth and tectonic plates, understanding why they are important and how they affect the earth.



For your love to learn this week, we have assigned a Mymaths activities for you to complete.  The spellings you need to practice are unable, unusual, unofficial, unpopular, uncertain, unlucky, February, favourite and potatoes.



- Please send your child into school with a water bottle, sunscreen and a hat.

- Thursday 22nd June - Class photos

- Friday 23rd June - Summer Fair straight after school 

Monday 10th July – Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6) from 9:15 Children will be encouraged to wear brightly coloured clothing (any colour) or their normal PE kit. They will wear this to school and keep it on all day. If the weather is forecast to be hot and sunny, please remember water bottles, hats and sun cream. After registration at normal times, children will walk up to the Key Stage Two playground / field. Feel free to cheer as the classes are announced! Children will stay with their classes and will take part in a carousel of activities, applying the skills they have learnt this year in their PE lessons to the competition for their House Teams. They will move through each numbered event in order. At the end of the carousel of activities, children will congregate in their classes in sections on the field. There will then be an opportunity for sprinting races for each year group for both boys and girls to find out the fastest runners in that year. Spectators will be welcome to assemble on the edge of the field to watch and cheer. This year, we would like to continue our Leavers’ Race where children in Year Six will participate in a fun Chilton Challenge, we like to think it’s a secret but they know what’s coming….. and will therefore need a change of clothing and a towel! We will then move over to the playground where awards will be given. This year, staff will be looking out for children who have demonstrated the School Games values (Self belief, Determination, Honesty, Team Work, Passion and Respect) and special awards will be given out to those children who have demonstrated them. The Sports Day Cup will also be awarded to the winning House after which the children will head off back to class. We anticipate the morning being finished by 12:00 at the latest. We hope you can join us in celebrating our year of sport and thank you for your continued support.

- Monday 17th July to Wednesday 19th July - Transition days - children will spend these days with their new teacher

- Friday 21st July at 2pm - school ends for summer

Thank you for your continued support!

The Year 4 Team.

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695