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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 9.6.23

Year 4 have had a fantastic first week back after half term. Here is what we have been up to...


In maths this week we have been learning about fractions. We have revised how to find fractions of numbers. E.g. To find 3/8 of 48, we divide 48 by 8 to get 6, and then multiply the 6 by the 3 to get 18. So 3/8 of 48 is 18. We also learnt how to simplify fractions by dividing by a common multiple e.g. 8/12 both numerator and denominator can be divided by 4 so we can simplify the fraction to 2/3. Within both of these areas, the children have worked hard to use their understanding of this to solve problems and explain their reasoning. Next week we are learning about volume and capacity.


In English, we have been writing in role as characters from a story, using emotive language to show viewpoint. Next week, we will be starting our new book called 'Indian in the Cupboard' by Lynne Reid Banks. We will be learning how to infer character's feeling without stating their feelings - 'show, don't tell'.


On Thursday we had an RE day. The focus for this was 'Identity and Belonging'. We thought about our own identities and then learnt how a big part of many people's identities is their faith. We found out about how people of different religions may show their identity to the World. We then learnt about the term 'minority faiths' and discussed how people from minority faiths may find it hard to fit into society and about tolerance of minority faiths. We thought about what makes us feels that we belong somewhere, and about how refugees may feel when they have to leave the place they feel they belong. Lastly, we learnt about ways that we can help acceptance of diversity e.g. children learning about religions at school so they understand them, being accepting of other people's beliefs even if we don't agree with them and also being accepting of religious clothing that people of different faiths may choose to wear. Next week, we will start our new thematic curriculum unit called 'Earth Shattering Events', in which the children will learn all about volcanoes and earthquakes, and about the eruption of Vesuvius and Pompeii in 79AD.

PSHE - Healthy Relationships Week

This week we have also been learning about bullying; what bullying is, different types of bullying, the impact of bullying on people's lives and what to do about bullying. The children made an anti-bullying pledge and pledged to choose kindness. 

Love to Learn

For this week's home learning, we would like you to find out about the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD which destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii in Italy. You can present what you find out in any way that you choose, here are some ideas - you could write a fact file about Pompeii, you could make a poster, you could draw pictures and annotate them to explain what happened, or choose another way. We look forward to seeing what you find out. Please could this home learning be handed in on Wednesday 14th June.


incapable, independent, invisible, incomplete, incorrect, particular, guard, reign


- Please send your child into school with a water bottle, sunscreen and a hat as the temperatures are finally meant to go up next week.

- Please could the children bring plastic bottles to school next week on Monday or Tuesday (we will be using them on Tuesday). The 500ml fizzy drink bottle size would be perfect but please bring in any you have. Many thanks.

- Friday 16th June - Non-school uniform day in exchange for a tombola bottle

- Thursday 22nd June - Class photos

- Friday 23rd June - Summer Fair straight after school 

- Monday 10th July - KS2 Sports Day - 9.15-12 

- Monday 17th July to Wednesday 19th July - Transition days - children will spend these days with their new teacher

- Friday 21st July at 2pm - school ends for summer

National Rail competition 

Years 3 – 5 were visited by Nicola from the National Rail who taught them all about train safety. We have a fun competition that we would love you to participate in! 

Design a rail safety poster on A4 (landscape) all about: 

  • Station safety. 

  • Level crossing safety. 

  • Or on-board train safety. 

    The winner will receive: 

  • A family day ticket to London including High speed 1 trains. 

  • Artwork will be displayed in the Petley arch at the station mounted on boards. 

  • You will be invited to the launch of the new station ceremony on 8th September. 

  • You will then get your artwork back placed on mounted board. 

  • Entries must be in by Wednesday 28th June. 

     We can’t wait to see your entries! 

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 4 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695