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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 19.5.23

Year 4 have had a busy, but fantastic week. They took part in their Year group assembly to KS2 and families and also helped keep their community clean on their litter picking walk to the park. Well done Year 4! Here is what else we have been up to this week...


We started the week learning about square and prime numbers. The children learnt the square numbers up to 144 and prime numbers up to 20, and used their understanding of these to solve problems. They did very well with this learning! We then learnt about position and direction, in which the children plotted points on a 2d grid to create polygons, and also learn how to draw a pair of axes. Next week, we are recapping multiplying a 2-digit number by 2-digit number and also looking at regular and regular polygons.


This week we have begun reading a new text called 'The Watertower'. We will be using this text to write stories and setting descriptions that creat suspense and build tension. This week, we have learnt that to create suspense you can use; certain fronted adverbials (such as At that moment, Without warning, Barely able to breath), show the characters are scared instead of stating they are scared (e.g. hands were trembling, goosebumps, heart pounding in their chest) and also how to use personification to create a scary atmosphere. The children have written some brilliant pieces and have been thoroughly enjoying this genre of writing so far. We will be continuing with suspense writing next week.


This week has been Technology week. We have been learning about mechanisms; levers, linkages, loose and fixed pivots. The children planned and made a water cycle with moving clouds using a mechanism behind the card. They did very well! Next week is RE week and we will be learning about Buddhist festivals. 

Here are some photos of the children litter picking. They did a brilliant job of cleaning the paths around Chilton and the park.

Love to Learn 

This week's home learning is maths and grammar.

Maths - Create a poster for younger children to teach them what square numbers are. You could include arrays, a hundred square with the square numbers highlighted or just explain what square numbers are with lots of examples.

Grammar - We have been learning about the correct use of 'was and were' and 'did and done'. Find the mistakes in each sentence below and write the sentences out correctly.

The football team was warming up for their game.

A small dog were sitting on his own.

My Dad done the gardening.

I done my homework last night.

We was painting a picture of the sea.


amazement, judgement, enjoyment, attachment, measurement, punishment, government, replacement, development, treatment


 - The children's multiplication check will be taking place very soon in June so it would be a great time for all of the children to play TTRS and/or do as much times tables practice and learning at home as possible. Only a few more weeks now.

- Tuesday 23rd May - Viking Games for Year 3 and 4 - Children to come in wearing their PE kit with a T-shirt the colour of their house team or a plain white t-shirt. Please come dressed for the weather and a packed lunch is needed. 

- Friday 26th May -  Colour Run - 2-2.25pm on field - children may leave with their grown up afterwards from their classroom door if wanted. Children to wear their old clothes into school and bring a change of clothes, a towel and a plastic bag (for their dirty clothes) in a bag.

- Wednesday 21st June - Non-school uniform day in exchange for a tombola bottle

- Thursday 22nd June - Class Photos 

- Friday 23rd June - Summer Fair straight after school

- Monday 10th July - KS2 Sport's Day - 9.15-12

Many thanks and have a lovely weekend,

The Year 4 Team


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695