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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly learning w/b 13.03.23


- Easter will soon be here and we will be holding our traditional Easter egg hunts and bonnet parade in school. Children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 are invited to make an Easter bonnet or hat if they would like to and bring it in to school on the final day of term (Friday 31st March). We will hold a parade in the hall for parents to come along to at 10:00 and prizes will be awarded for the most impressive creations.  

For children in Years 3 – 6, they are also invited to enter the Key Stage Two bonnet / hat competition. This will be judged in year groups with prizes awarded.  

- Please remember to sign up to Parent/Teacher consultations that are running on Monday 27th March, Wednesday 29th March or online (via Zoom) on Tuesday 28th March. 


This week in Maths the children have been learning about algebraic expressions. They know that in algebra a letter represents and unknown value and can substitute a letter for a value in a calculation e.g  a = 4, so 3a = 3 x 4 = 12.  

Next week the children will be learning to solve problems involving money and time. 


In English this week we have been writing a flashback that Michael has after falling off the boat and becoming stranded on a desert island. This involved the children controlling their verb tenses and changing between present tense, past tense and back to present tense.  

Next week the children will be writing in role as Kensuke and completing some art linked to our text based on work by the Japanese artist Hiroshige!

In topic, we enjoyed exploring what materials make good electrical conductors and insulators.  We created simple circuits with switches and placed different materials like tin foil, coins and even blue tac to investigate.  Next week, we have invited our site manager to talk about his work with electricity and the children will be rewiring a plug.




Love to learn

For your Love to Learn task this week, please learn these spellings, all of which have the 'sh' sound:

We would also like you to create a survival guide for living on a deserted island (this is based on our book Kensuke's Kingdom).  What would be your priorities?  What would you do for shelter, food and water?  How will you protect yourself from possible predators or other threats?  How will you keep warm at night and dry from the rain?  How will you keep yourself busy?  How will you stay fit (mentally and physically)?  How will you cope from not seeing people or talking to others?  You can present this any way you wish - be creative!

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695