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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 7th January 2022

What a wonderful week Year 5 have had to start 2023! Here's what we have been up to:


In English this week, we made predictions on our new text 'Running on Empty'. This story is based on a boy, AJ, who is inspired after seeing Usain Bolt run live at London 2012. As a class, we watched Bolt's victory in the 100m and then wrote a setting description of the event. Using figurative language, we focused on the stadium, the crowd and the competitors on the start line. Next week, we will be writing an online news report on Bolt's victory.


This week, we have been working on Place Value. We studied linear and non-linear number sequences, finding the nth term and working with negative numbers. Next week, we will be continuing to look at place value focusing on rounding, specifically rounding decimals. We will then be looking at addition and subtraction in a money context.


In the afternoons this week, we have completed our Term 3 RE module on Judaism. We studied how Jewish people worship and how this is similar and different to other religions that we have studied, the importance of prayer in Judaism and the ceremonies and rituals involved. We created invitations to fictional Bat and Bar Mitzvahs. Next week, we will begin our Term 3 Topic, 'Material World'.

Home Learning 

For the children's home learning, we would like them to investigate NEGATIVE NUMBERS. Where can they find them in their home or out and about? What different things are they used for? Do they have any other ideas for their potential uses? The children's findings can be presented in an interesting way of their choice. 


On Monday (9/1/23) we will be walking up to the Westcliff to see the 'Hands' sculpture. Please could children wear comfortable walking shoes.

PE this term will be on a WEDNESDAY. Please could children come to school in correct kit. Sports Project will be on a TUESDAY. Please could children come to school in uniform with trainers. Sports club will begin Monday 9/1/23. 

 - Young Voices – Monday 16th January

 - Number Day – Friday 3rd February

 - Online Safety Day – 7th February

 - Term 3 ends Friday 10th February (3:15pm)

Advance Notice – World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March

Have a great weekend!

The Year 5 team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695