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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly Learning 09.12.22

 Home Learning Task: 

  1. To decorate our classrooms in the last week of term, please get your creative juices flowing and make a Christmas decoration to display. It could be a festive scene, a hanging decoration or a model of something Christmassy! It’s up to you! 

  1. We would like a photo of the children celebrating Christmas when they were younger. Please can these be emailed to your class teacher before next Tuesday - or 

  1. Take some time to learn the spellings from your spelling group in the table below.  

Miss Isaac 

Mrs Rowland-Hill 

Mr Wheeler 

Mrs England/Mrs Jewell 

Taste + y = tasty 

Shake + y = shaky 

Spike + y = spiky 

Haze + y = hazy 

Slime + y = slimy 

Noise + y = noisy 





















  • Our Christmas performance is on Wednesday 14th December at 2:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there. Please can all children bring in something festive to wear, ie a Christmas jumper for the performance. They need to wear their normal uniform to school.  

  • Our Christmas party is the afternoon of Thursday 15th December. Children can come to school in party clothes (suitable for school and with sensible footwear). If you are able to, please can you provide the following for the children to share at the party: 

Normans - Savoury Food (sausages, sausage rolls, bread sticks, cheese) 

Saxons - Fruit and Vegetables 

Romans - Crisps and nibbles (no nuts please) 

Vikings - Something sweet (biscuits or cakes) 

School will provide squash and water 

  • Friday 16th December – Christmas Jumper Day – exchange a school jumper for a festive jumper, top or t-shirt to be worn along with normal uniform for everything else. It’s not a non-uniform day. This is just for fun – no donations etc. Christmas dinner is also on this day – please sign up for this by Friday 9th December.  

  • There is no PE during the last week of term (Monday 12th to Friday 16th).  

  • School ends at 2pm for the Christmas holidays on Friday 16th December and there is no after school club on that day.   


Well done to all of Year 6 this week for completing our assessments! They worked incredibly hard and deserve a pat on the back! In our Writing and Reading lessons this week, we have learned more about how to accurately write and punctuate dialogue. We applied these skills by writing a conversation, during which a character from our class text told another character about the human heart. We used scientific language at the same time as accurate dialogue punctuation.  

Next week, Year 6 will be finishing our class text Skellig and reviewing the book. We would like to show a film of the book; please look out for a consent text from school as it is a PG rating. We will also be learning about these aspects of grammar: subject, object and parenthesis.  


After our Maths assessments this week, we have learned how to add and subtract fractions, Initially, we found out how to do that with fractions that have the same denominator. We then learned how to find a common denominator to add and subtract fractions with different denominators.  

Next week, we will spend more time adding and subtracting fractions to improve our fluency and we will also solve problems involving that skill. We will also be doing some Christmas themed Maths! Ho ho ho! 

Afternoon lessons 

This week, we have completed our clay birds by painting them. We also drew on white t shirts to show what we have learned about systems in the body. We have also spent time talking about and creating presentations to show Christmases of the past, present and future in preparation for our Christmas performance on Wednesday 14th at 2.30pm.  

As part of our learning of the human body and how to stay healthy, we also welcomed in Andy from Kent Surf School, who taught the children important life-saving skills like CPR and the recovery position.


Next week, our focus will be on RE. We will spend time learning about what a church is. We will look at the different features of a church and their significance. We will also be visiting St Lawrence church on Thursday morning and finding out how churches serve their community. 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695