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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 25.11.22


Children should be bringing a spare pair of outdoor trainers that they can wear at break and lunchtimes due to the wet weather.

Children should be reading 4 times a week at home.

Events, Term 2

Tuesday 29th November, Chilton Lantern Festival. This will be on the playground from 3.15-4.15

Friday 9th December Year 4 & Year 6 Come Dine with Me

Wednesday 14th December, 9am, Year 3 and 4 Christmas Assembly

Thursday 15th December Christmas Parties

Friday 16th December Christmas Dinner and Jumper day

Friday 16th December, school finishes at 2pm.

Love to Learn:

We would like the children to research the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. Who discovered it? How? When? Where? And Why?

The children could present their work as a newspaper article, fact-file, poster or any other outcome they see fit.

Children to continue reading four times a week.

Children to be learning times tables (TTRS or other appropriate tasks-the teacher can provide you with materials for this).

We would like the children to be practising their spellings at home that they are getting incorrect at school (these should be in their yellow spelling log books which we’ve told the children to put in their reading record folder).

This Week:

In maths, the children worked on ordering and comparing angles up to 180 degrees. Later in the week, they learnt about the properties of quadrilaterals and lines of symmetry.

In English, the children spent time rehearsing how to write dialogue using accurate speech punctuation. They then added description and action between this dialogue to make it more engaging for the reader. Towards the end of the week, the children planned and wrote an alternative ending for the class text, ‘The Ice Palace’.

In Topic, the children focused on Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife. They started by looking at gods and goddesses, their features and why they were important and later moved on to the process of mummification.


Next Week:

In maths, the children will explore a range of statistics, interpreting different graphs and tables.

In English, we will continue with the theme of writing narratives where the children will plan and use different skills to write their own story similar to that of the ‘Ice Palace’. Skills will include using an appropriate structure, using cohesive devices and weaving action, dialogue and description together.

In our afternoon sessions, we will be creating some winter themed art work and making lanterns for the Chilton Lantern Festival. At the end of the week, the children will be revising their understanding of mummification.





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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695