Weekly news!
This week, year 2 have been looking through and working on special booklets in preparation for term 5. The children have been working alongside partners to solve maths problems and they have been using their reading skills to answer questions using inference.
Year 2 have also been looking, talking and writing about the environment. They spent some time in the forest school before writing their own poem based on what they could see, hear and feel. The children also created artwork linked to the environment.
In preparation for our new topic 'Our Earth, Our Home', the children discussed 4 'big' questions and wrote their responses:
1. Could you live without plastic?
2. Is the Earth flat?
3. Who owns the world?
4. Do plants have feelings?
The children had an amazing discussion about these questions which we will be investigating throughout term 4.
Home learning
Chilton are holding a whole school science day on Monday 18th March and have set home learning as a whole school competition!
The task is to create a shoebox space scene. This can be anything you want it to be but must be space related! Small prizes will be given for individual year group winners. The deadline for entering is Monday 18th March.
As an extra task, we would like year 2 to practise the following spellings:
when, why, who, what, there, could, would, couldn't, wouldn't, where and were.