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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly learning 09.09.22

WOW!  What a terrific start to Year 6 the children have had this week.  They have settled brilliantly and with an excellent attitude to learning.  By getting into the swing of things quickly, the children have shown the Chilton Way and are starting to become strong role models for the rest of the school.  The staff at Chilton would also like to say a big well done to everyone who took part in the Kent Test yesterday.

This week, the children have been learning about place value: what a digit is worth within its position in a number.  Using mathematical vocabulary, they ordered numbers, looking at the most significant column first before using greater and less than symbols to compare them.  They explored manipulatives that would support their learning and were challenged in a variety of ways in how to use them.  




In English this week, the children were introduced to our new text: Way Home.  They used their prediction skills to justify what they thought would happen based on the front cover and the blurb.  The children unpicked the detail within the illustrations to ask questions about the story.  This is powerful text that will begin to unravel and open up opportunities for further discussion.

Our PSHE focus this term has been One Childhood One Chance.  With the start of a fresh academic year, the children refocussed on the Chilton Way and our rules and values.  Teachers reintroduced the Zones of Regulation to help the children gauge - and help deal with - their feelings.  They made a fantastic artwork relating to being individual within a team that will be able to be seen into he school hall.


Your Love to Learn task this week is to prepare a presentation (no longer than a minute or two) about yourself that you will present to the rest of the year group next week.  We want you to show courage and show off what positive steps you aim to make in Year 6.  As such, teachers will be looking for children to take up the privilege roles of House Captain, Sports Crew/Captain, Reading Ambassador or School Librarian.  Why will you suit these roles?  What skills do you have that would make you a strong candidate?  If you wouldn't like these roles, tell us about yourself and explain your targets for the year.  Be prepared to present this on Thursday afternoon.

Love to Learn is due in on Wednesdays every week and we will look at them by Friday.  If you know you will struggle with this deadline, please speak to your class teacher early in the week so they can help you.

Have a lovely weekend and well done on a great start to the year!

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695