Friday 4th March
We have had another fantastic week in Reception. World book day was a highlight for us all. Thank you so much for all the effort you put into the children's costumes. They all looked fantastic! The children enjoyed listening to poems. They learnt a verse each, and we performed it as a class. They watched videos of staff from across the school reading their favourite stories. It really was a fantastic day!
Comic Relief
Advanced warning: Comic relief will take place on Friday 18th March. The children will be invited to wear something funny to school and bring in a voluntary donation for the charity.
Parent Consultations
A letter about parent consultations will be coming out soon. Ours will take place on Wednesday 23rd March between 4.30-7.00 and Thursday 24th March between 3.30 and 6.00. On Friday 18th March, you will be able to come into the classroom straight after school to have a look through the children's books.
Learning this week
In English, we have continued with our Read, Write Inc sessions. The children are continuing to gain confidence in reading and writing words and sentences. They are continuing to recap the set one sounds and continuing to learn the set 2 sounds (ay, ee, high, ow, oo, ar and or). They are also learning an increasing number of red words (words that they cannot 'sound out' and must learn from memory). As their writing task this week, the children designed and wrote about their own planets. They came up with some wonderful ideas and are beginning to remember to leave finger spaces between their words independently, as well as including full stops.
In Maths, we learnt about the concepts one more and one less (or fewer). We did this practically first, physically adding or removing objects. We then learnt how to use a number line to find one more or one less. We are also learning their number bonds to 10 from memory (1 + 9, 2 + 8, 3 + 7, 4 + 6, 5 + 5). We do thing through rhyme and song.
In topic this week, we have continued our learning about space. We loved learning about the story 'The Way back home'. We made predictions about what we thought might happen and created our own versions of the story. We also created out own devices to make our way home from space.
Learning next week
Next week, we will be looking at the story 'Curiosity'. This is a story about a Mars Rover. We will be learning about the planet Mars and the job of the Rover. We will be making our own Mars Rovers, focusing on how to join objects and the function of wheels and axels.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.