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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News - 4.2.22

This half term has gone so quickly - we cannot believe we only have one week until we are half way through our academic year! As always, Year 4 have been working incredibly hard. Let's see what we have been learning...


This week we have been absolutely outstanding at understanding, comparing, ordering and rounding decimals. Our place value knowledge has really supported our learning and our reasoning and explaining skills have been brilliant.

There has also been a huge surge in our timetables knowledge! Thank you for practising at home... we are getting super speedy!

We also had a fantastic maths day exploring the book, 'Fractions in disguise'. We loved making our own fraction machines and thinking about our personality traits as fractions of a whole.


For the last two weeks of term we are using the fantastic picture book, 'The Watertower' as our inspiration for mystery and Sci-Fi writing. We explored the pictures and text, really improving our inference skills. We used incredible personification to make our own scary, ominous structures. We have been building our skills to create suspense using exciting sentence openers and conjunctions to link our ideas.


What is sound? Ask us now and we will give you SUCH a detailed answer compared to when we first started this topic! This week we have been conducting investigations to explore volume and pitch. We measured different noises and explored how soundwaves change with a higher or lower sound. We then made our own instruments in DT making sure that we could alter either pitch or volume. It has been great fun!

Next week we will be exploring iconic album covers and re-creating them using watercolours. Our exit point is going to be in March with a VERY exciting group of visitors. Watch this space!

Love to Learn:

Thank you for the wonderful, creative home learning this week. It was great for the children to share their ideas with the class before we explored our own instruments linking to our Science learning.

This week we would like the children to practise their mystery story skills. Use the prompt below to create a story.

Mystery Prompt that can be used in the classroom for discussion, writing  activities and more. A… | Mystery writing, Fun writing activities, Writing  prompts for kids

Important notices:

Children's Mental Health Week is taking place from 7th-13th February this year. Chilton will be supporting this by holding our very own 'Dress to Express' mental health awareness event. On the 11th February, we invite all the children to come to school expressing themselves, by wearing bright colours. We look forward to seeing their expressive outfits on the day.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695