Friday 27th November
We hope you have all had a wonderful week! Here is what we have been learning about this week.
This week in maths we have learnt about distance and length. On Monday, we conducted our maths lesson outside. We had four activities and had a go at all of them; rolling cars, throwing beanbags, jumping and rolling tape. After we had our turn we described and compared the distance the objects had travelled using vocabulary such as near, close, far, nearest, furthest, further and nearer. On Tuesday, we moved on to length. Firstly, we ordered objects by their length or height. We then compared them using the vocabulary longer, taller, shorter, longest, tallest and shortest. Finally, we moved onto measuring the length of an object. We used cubes to measure how long objects were.
Next week we are learning to add on a number line in the context of length.
In English this week, we have continued with our daily Read, Write Inc sessions. Most of us have now covered all the set 2 sounds and some of us are beginning to work on set 3 sounds. We continue to learn to read and spell words containing these sounds and to read and write sentences using our phonic knowledge. In our Topic writing this week we wrote about seasonal changes. We discussed the changes that happen in each season and wrote a least one sentence about each season. Our teachers were really proud of our writing!
This week we continued with our Topic 'Weather around the world'. We started by learning about weather patterns where we live. We spoke about the seasons and how the weather changes throughout the year. We then learnt all about the United Kingdom. We learnt which countries are in the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We then discussed the differences in the weather across the UK.
Love to Learn Home Learning Challenge
This weeks challenge is a maths challenge. We would like you to have a go at ordering objects from around the house. Pick 3 objects from your home and order them by length or height. You could draw them in your book in order and label the longest and the shortest. If you want an extra challenge you could measure how long they.
Please can we ask all 'Love to Learn' books to be sent back into school by Wednesday. We have to quarantine them for 48 hours so that the children can look at each others work on the Friday.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Cheshire, Miss Wright, Mrs Walker.