Weekly blog - 16th October
This week we have been focusing on using powerful adjectives and adverbs in our descriptive writing. We have been describing some of the places Alice and her brother imagined they visited on The Green Ship, such as Egypt, Antarctica and the ancient ruins of Italy. We have also been describing the dramatic storm that they encounter on their last night on the ship.
We have moved on from multiplication to division in maths this week. We have been mainly looking at dividing by two and ten. We know that finding half of a number is the same as dividing by two and we have been using place value sliders to help us understand how to divide numbers by ten.
In topic, we have been looking at the Romans and their effect on Britain. We know that the Romans introduced straight roads, underfloor heating and designed our coins. We have also looked at the land around Thanet when The Romans invaded Britain. We discovered that Thanet was an island, seperated from England by a large waterway. Over time the waterway has become smaller and is now a river called the Wantsum.