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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 3rd July 2020

It’s Fri- yay!

Good morning team Periwinkle and team Teal! It is the end of the week and we’re looking forward to a Fishy Friday lunch. This week, as part of our fine motor activities, we have been watching video tutorials on how to draw different characters. We enjoyed drawing Olaf from Frozen today. Use the link below if you would like to have a go too. We had lots of fun doing this, we hope you do too.


Today we would like to shout out Amy who sent in a fantastic rules poster. It is nice and colourful with clear messages! Well done Amy.

Here’s today’s learning:


The RWI videos will be available, but will take a slightly different form. All videos will be available from 9:30 am so you can choose from set 2 or set 3, whichever you feel your child needs to focus on. There will be reading opportunities for longer words and red words included in each session. Use the link below to find the lessons you need under the different categories. You will also find a Hold a Sentence video to watch to help your child get used to remembering sentences which they wish to write down. Just scroll down as you would when selecting your sounds video and it is after the red words videos.

You tube: Read, Write inc phonics video

If you would rather not use the videos, teach the lesson as follows:

1. Find the sound are on your sound card and say it lots of times, make sure you are looking at the sound to ensure you remember what it looks like, also say ‘are – care and share.’ When you're finished, point to some other sounds too (about 10).

2.    Write down the following words for your child to read (care, share, fare, dare, bare). Remember they need to find the special friends, fred talk and then read the word.

3.    Now write down some words for your child to read as a recap of previous sounds learnt (letter, fire, paint, poke, stay). This time encourage your child to say the sounds in their head and then say the word aloud.

4.    Ask your child to show you their alien faces! Write down the words plare, charep, sharef, vare. Ask your child to spot the special friends, Fred talk and then read the word.

5.    Now it's time for spellings! One at a time say the following words to your (care, share, fare, dare, bare). Repeat the word back to each other then ask them to pinch the sounds. When they know how many sounds in the word they can write it down. Help your child to tick or fix (correct) their work. 


We have been practising our tricky word spellings at school and thought you might like some extra practise too. Attached are some word searches where your child has to find the tricky words. Try to choose the sheet which your child can confidently read most of the words and maybe needs to practise a couple. (They might need a little help to get the hang of how a word search works if they haven’t completed one before.)

Once they have completed the word search, maybe they could have a go at writing sentences using the tricky word.


To warm our maths brains up this morning, watch the following video about double numbers. We need to know our double numbers to 20 so after listening try asking some double number questions to see what your child can remember.

We are finishing our week of multiplication with arrays. Please use the teaching slides attached to discuss and practise arrays. The activity today is practical and you can choose how to record your arrays. At school we are using stickers to show arrays. See the examples attached of how to show arrays practically if you have the things at home.



We are finishing the week learning how to treat ourselves and others with respect and how to be polite and courteous. 

Discuss the meaning of respect including how and where this can be seen in everyday life. Talk about how people might feel if they are not shown respect, are there any times when people should not be shown respect?

You never know what someone is going through, be kind, always.

What does your child think when they hear this? What does it mean and why is it important?

Use to discuss respect and examples of.

Read the attached story on respect. What does the story mean to your child? What is the meaning behind the story?

ACTIVITY: design a scuttleball kit for all the different kinds of ants. Write about why the elders made their decision to mix the teams. Do you think this was a good idea?


We hope you have a great day!

Mrs Walker, Mrs Cheshire and Miss Wright x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695