Friday 26th June
Morning! I hope you are all keeping well and having time to enjoy the fabulous sunshine (and have an ice-cream - I love Fabs!). A fantastic week of learning and thank you to those who are contacting teachers or/and continuing to work hard in school.
Here is today's learning...
English/GR - How are your comic strips looking? Today's task is to continue your short narrative presented in the form of the comic strip using the guidance attached - remember to include the skills and features mentioned. If you have finished, there is an additional challenge writing task.
Maths - Today's Maths activity focuses on recognising decimal equivalents to 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 - complete the range of questions attached.
SPaG - Your grammar focus for this week requires you to look at 'determiners'. The activities are to be completed across the week; I have uploaded them again below.
Afternoon Activities - Below is a document attached that has a variety of wider curriculum activities for you to access across the week. Click on the links and follow the instructions to explore the tasks set :-)
The Padlet - Shout outs!