Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning Team Teal and Team Periwinkle! I hope you are all safe and well. The sun is shining this week, which is fabulous!
Let's get learning!
Shout out
A huge shout out to Aliza for writing a wonderful book review yesterday. We are really proud of how hard she has been working on handwriting.
The RWI videos will be available, but will take a slightly different form. All videos will be available from 9:30 am so you can choose from set 2 or set 3, whichever you feel your child needs to focus on. There will be reading opportunities for longer words and red words included in each session. Use the link below to find the lessons you need under the different categories. On the channel from Monday you will also find a Hold a Sentence video to watch to help your child get used to remembering sentences which they wish to write down. Just scroll down as you would when selecting your sounds video and it is after the red words videos.
You tube: Read, Write inc phonics video
If you would rather not use the videos, teach the lesson as follows:
1. Find the sound ‘ea’ on your sound card and say it lots of times, make sure you are looking at the sound to ensure you remember what it looks like, also say ‘ea- cup od tea.’ When you're finished, point to some other sounds too (about 10).
2. Write down the following words for your child to read (tea, sea, leaf, treat, leap). Remember they need to find the special friends, Fred talk (say the sounds) and then read the word.
3. Now write down some words for your child to read as a recap of previous sounds learnt (hope, fire, joke, make, brute). This time encourage your child to say the sounds in their head and then say the word aloud.
4. Ask your child to show you their alien faces! Write down the words bleaf, fleap, creaf, fream, dreab. Ask your child to spot the special friends, Fred talk and then read the word.
5. Now it's time for spellings! One at a time say the following words to your read (tea, sea, leaf, treat, leap). Repeat the word back to each other then ask them to pinch the sounds. When they know how many sounds in the word they can write it down. Help your child to tick or fix (correct) their work.
In English, today we will be thinking about verbs. Click on the link below. Watch the video and complete activity 1 and 2.
Today in Maths we will continue practising our addition using our number line. Have a look at the teaching slides and then complete the addition questions attached.
In our Topic sessions this week we are learning about friendships.
Discuss the word ‘friend’. What does it mean to you? Who are your friends? WHY are they your friends (try to draw out the qualities that the people have that make them good friends e.g. kind, caring, loyal, trustworthy). How do you make friends – what do you need to do in order to make friends. Discuss different scenarios e.g. someone comes and asks you a question and you ignore them/are rude to them etc, is that going to help to make a new friendship?
ACTIVITY 1: children to draw themselves in the middle and then draw their friends round the outside. Add on ‘friendship’ words (caring, kind etc). TO BE DONE OUTSIDE WITH CHALKS IF POSSIBLE.
Discuss the word ‘lonely’. What does that word mean – take examples. Watch the following:
Watch it again and then pause at different points and discuss, ask questions. Have they ever felt like that?
Discuss as a group, what could you do if someone is lonely? How would that make them feel?
We hope you have enjoyed your learning today! Have a wonderfyl day!