Friday 19th June
Good morning Team Teal and Team Periwinkle. It’s FriYay! Where has this week gone?
Shout out to Isabelle who has completed her learning this week. It is great to see your photos.
A fabulous video was sent to us from William showing some of his super maths.
Some fabulous writing from Ethan this week!
Well done Rosie for watching the assembly yesterday and for sharing your toys so kindly with your brother.
Keep up the super effort!
Here’s today’s learning:
The RWI videos will be available, but will take a slightly different form. All videos will be available from 9:30 am so you can choose from set 2 or set 3, whichever you feel your child needs to focus on. There will be reading opportunities for longer words and red words included in each session. Use the link below to find the lessons you need under the different categories.
You tube: Read, Write inc phonics video
If you would rather not use the videos, teach the lesson as follows:
1. Find the sound ‘ire’ on your sound card and say it lots of times, make sure you are looking at the sound to ensure you remember what it looks like, also say ‘ire, fire fire!’ Explain that these are special friends (three letters that make one sound) When you're finished, point to some other sounds (about 10).
2. Write down the following words for your child to read (fire, hire, wire, tired). Remember they need to find the special/chatty friends, Fred talk (say the sounds) and then read the word.
3. Now write down some words for your child to read as a recap of previous sounds learnt (made, heap, smile, tone, flute). This time encourage your child to say the sounds in their head and then say the word aloud.
4. Ask your child to show you their alien faces! Write down the words: fliret, sirep, cirez. Ask your child to spot the special/chatty friends, Fred talk and then read the word.
5. Now it's time for spellings! One at a time say the following words to your read (fire, hire, wire, tired). Repeat the word back to each other then ask them to pinch the sounds. When they know how many sounds in the word they can write it down. Help your child to tick or fix (correct) their work.
Yesterday, you read ‘At the Seaside’ and created a poster. Today, we would like you to read the book again and then write a setting description about the beach. What can you hear, see and smell at the beach? Can you use some interesting words to describe them (e.g. the squawking seagulls, the glistening sea)? Can you write your ideas in some sentences to describe the beach?
We would love to see some of your super descriptive writing!
To warm our maths brains up this morning, we will be counting in 2s. Take it in turns with someone in your family to count up to at least 20 in 2s.
Today we are going to be partitioning and recombining numbers. When partitioning numbers we need to think about what each digit is worth in the number. In the number 39, the 3 is worth 3 tens or 30 and the 9 is worth 9 ones so we can write it as:
39 = 30 and 9
When recombining numbers, we need to look at the number of tens we have and the number of ones we have.
In the above picture, there are 3 tens (30) and 2 ones (2). So when we recombine this number, we get 32.
There is a document attached for you to try where you will need to partition the numbers and then recombine the numbers.
If these numbers are too big for your child, try partitioning numbers from 11-19 e.g.
16 = 10 and 6
13 = 10 and 3
Topic – PSHE
Today, we will be thinking about germs. Talk to your child about what germs are, how they can spread and how we can stop the spread of germs. Use the Germs document below if you want to.
Your task today is to create a poster about how to stop germs!
Viking Games Week 2 - A message from Miss Knight
Thank you for all of the pictures and videos that you have sent to me this week. The weather has been lovely for you to complete your challenges!
This week, can you complete your challenge in fancy dress? The crazier the better!
The Challenges are:
Can you balance on any part of your body for 10 seconds?
Walk, Cycle or Run 1K (Choose one)
Good luck and I look forward to seeing more pictures and videos in fancy dress J! Please continue to send them to
Miss Knight
That is it for today. We hope you have enjoyed your learning! Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Cheshire, Miss Wright and Mrs Walker xx
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