Friday 12th June
Good morning, Team Azure and Team Peacock!
We hope you've had a wonderful week completing all of your home learning. As always, thank you for the work that you have been emailling in and sharing on our padlet. As a heads up, both Mr Abel and Mrs Gale will be back in school teaching full time next week. We would both still love to have your work sent to us (and will repsond to any emails when we can) but if you have a pressing issue with home learning to which you need a quick response, please email Mr Lamprell (, who will be updating the Year 4 blog from Monday. On to Friday's learning!
It's the final day of our work with the four operations for measurement problems. You will be solving word problems using MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION. Flick back to Tuesday's slides for detailed explantions on how to use the column method for multiplication and the bus stop method for division. Remember to use RUCSAC to support when solving word problems! There are also more word problems attached for further practise of all four operations.
Today, you will be completing a stand alone big write. We have included a document called independent writing tasks. Find some inspiration in there and create your own playscript or follow your own ideas! Follow the steps to success attached to this post to help you include all the required features of a playlist.
Today, we will be looking at food chains and food webs. There is a photo sorting activity attached and you will need to research and present your own food chains.
Have a wonderful Friday and an amazing weekend!
The Year 4 team x