Thursday 21st May
Good morning Team Azure and Team Peacock!
You have nearly reached the end of Term 5 - can you believe it? Again, we cannot thank you enough for how hard you are working at home with your families. It has been great getting your feedback when you enjoy certain tasks or activities. The more feedback from you, the more we can adapt the learning to make it fun and engaging!
Today we have some money challenges for you. Some are trial and improvement - this means you won't get the right answer straight away! Don't be afraid to show your working out, make jottings and draw pictures to help you.
Today you are going to plan a news report for the story in Air Raid. Have a look at my example on the slide, but try not to magpie too much!
Spagaday looks at nouns and pronouns today. And don't forget to check out those spelling activities available on the Oxfordowl website - they are reeeally good!
We are LOVING your projects on your chosen countries. Daniel and Gracie made amazing flags at school today and Josh sent over a fantastic PPT presentation. You could get creative if you are feeling adventurous... make a local dish from your country?!
Class Novels
Both classes will have until Friday to see if there are anymore willing authors before we hand out our final chapter!
Have a wonderful Thursday!!
Mrs Gale and Mr Abel