Thursday 7th May
Good morning, Team Azure and Team Peacock! A big well done to those children who have contributed to the class novels so far; they are sounding amazing! Thank you again for all the wonderful work that has been shared both on Padlet and by email. The effort you are all putting in is simply superb Team Azure are just waiting to hear back from their latest author so it can be passed on. On to today's learning:
Today you will be look at symmetry and their is a choice of two very interesting tasks for you to complete on the Powerpoint. There is also a sheet of symmetry challenges attached to this post.
Another SPAGADAY for you to complete has been attached (standard!) For English, you will need to write your own poem entitled 'The Volcano'. Think about your layout, your rhyme scheme and your language. A word mat has been attached to help you.
Thank you for all those amazing volcanoes that were created yesterday .Everyone did a fantastic job! For today's task, you have got some research to do. Can you find out as much as you can about Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD. You can present your information in any exciting way that you like. For example, you could write an eyewitness account or create an annotated timeline. The choice is yours! I have attached a couple of powerpoints to this blog to get you started.
Mrs Gale and I have seen some amazing workout videos from around the school and now, as Thursday is our PE day, we would like you to have a go! Channel your inner Mr Wheeler and design your own workout that will get your heart pumping and we will share the best videos on the blog on Monday!
Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend and don't forget to #clapforourcarers this evening.
The Year 4 team x