Wednesday 5th April
Good Morning, wonderful Year 4!
We hope you are having a good week. Both class stories are underway and are sounding fantastic so far! Thank you so much for all your enthusiasm with this.
Today's learning is as follows:
It's investigation Wednesday! Remember when we did that amazing angle hunt around the playground and school a while back? Well you are going to do this at home today. Try and find all types of angles in your home or when you are out on your walk and think about creative ways of showing it.
You're doing so well with your SPAGADAY! (I love saying it really quickly) A new one awaits you. Today we are going to look at poetry in our Guided reading. You LOVE poetry and have sent us some absolutely beautiful pieces! Today we look at a poem and tomorrow you get to write your own!
Time to get arty - draw, paint, make your very own volcano! You're so good at putting your own twist on this! We can't wait to see what you come up with.
Have a wondeful day!
Mrs Gale and Mr Abel