Thursday 23rd April
Good morning, Year 4! Happy St George's Day!
Keep going with your fantastic home learning efforts and keep sending in your amazing pieces of work; we love seeing them! We miss seeing all of your faces every day so much!
Today's learning is as follows:
For your Guided Reading, you need to ask questions about the Water Tower text (not just to help Mrs Gale!) For English, you will be using simple, compound and complex sentences (as well as a range of other skills) to write a character description about either Spike or Bubba. Some parents have had issue with the sound on the Water Tower powerpoint, so the sound files for each page have been attached separately.
Today, we will be continuing to work on our rounding skills but challenging ourselves by rounding decimals. There are a range of sheets attached so please choose one and have a go! Remember - what you are actually doing isn't changed by the inclusion of decimals!
It's quiz time! Write a quiz for your parents, teachers, classmates about your chosen historical figure's life. You could even share it with everyone on Padlet!
Have a wonderful day and don't forget to clap for our carers this evening!
The Year 4 team x