Wednesday 1st April
Good morning Team Azure and Team Peacock!!
It's the last day of term (I know - strange feeling, right?!) so this will be our final blog for a while. It has been such a delight seeing your photos and chats with each other - we will keep the padlet up and running over the holidays so you can still come and talk to each other.
Your parents should have got a message yesterday with the password so we can access it safely - this means nobody can see pictures you upload except Chilton :)
So maths today is continuing with equivalent fractions. You need to use Monday and Tuesday's learning but also your tenths and hundredths knowledge from before. I will attach a pack that us teachers use which has some tips and then some further challenges on if you want to give them a try.
No Topic today but we would like you to do something to help out at home - gardening, washing up, tidying your room.... do something to make your family smile today!
PS: Mrs Hughes has made some really useful resources for how to support home learning and mindfulness at home - they are attached below and are great! Check them out!
Sending you lots and lots of love over the Easter break!
Mrs Gale and Mr Abel xxx