Wednesday Home Learning 26.3.20
Good morning Year 3, so sorry we're late! We were busy doing Joe Wick's workout!
Reading: Read chapter 4 of ‘Cornflake Coin’. Use a dictionary or the internet to clarify the meaning of these words: groaned, scrabbled, vanished, trotted.
Write a definition of each word.
Writing: Write a newspaper report with the headline ‘ANCIENT COIN DISCOVERY!’ Imagine you are a reporter and you are telling the world about this coin. Use fronted adverbials to start your sentences and remember to write in the past tense because the discovery has already happened.
You could start:
On Saturday 4th March, an incredible discovery was made in Ramsgate, Kent. In the park, a local dog called Barker was digging around in the mud when he found something interesting.
We've attached a newspaper template below.
Today you will learn to convert units of time.
Read these:
60 seconds = 1 minute this means 1 minute is the same as 60 seconds
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
7 days = 1 week
2 weeks = a fortnight
About 4 weeks = a month
12 months = 1 year
365 days = 1 year
10 years = a decade
100 years = a century
1000 years = a millennium
Use this information to complete the challenge attached that best suits your level. You may have to multiply to help you. For example,
If 1 hour is 60 minutes, then 4 hours is 4x60 which is 240 minutes.
Please find a magnet sheet attched - remember you may need to use the internet to find out the answers if you don't have a magnet.