Weekly News 6.3.20
Weekly News 6.3.20
What a fantastic book week we have had. On Monday we learned who William Shakespeare was and we got to watch a Romeo and Juliet cartoon at snack time! Team Cyan and Team Turquoise then split half and half to share our stories from home with different children. That afternoon we loved having an extra parent readers session to kick off book week with a bang. On Thursday we had so much fun dressing up as our favourite book characters - thank you for your fantastic efforts. We started off our morning by discussing our costumes with each other. Then we had a teacher swap during story time! Mr Mason and Mrs Cousins came down from year 3 to share a story with us. It was so special. That day we also designed our own book covers, bookmarks and drew our characters on a selfie template. Unfortunately it rained a lot that day but it didn't dampen our spirits!
We have also started our space topic this week. We have learned about planets, astronauts and we have looked at non-fiction texts to find out facts about space. We have been enjoying the new 'space' role play area during our busy time. During our topic time we have written a list of items that we would like to bring to space, created a space picture with chalk and glitter, built a spaceship out of lego and made some spaceships through junk modelling.
In maths this week we have learned how to subtract using a number line. We have been superstars and picked this up so quickly!
Have a nice weekend!