Weekly news 24/1/20
This week in maths we have been looking at both addition and subtraction. We focussed on the vocabulary used for both so that we could decide which method to use when working with both operations. The children are getting really good at using the actions to help remind them whether they are adding or taking away. During our mental starters this week, we have been practising finding one more and one less than a given number. Some of us even challenged ourselves to finding two more and two less.
Next week we will be exploring addition and subtraction further by looking at their relationship to one another through inverse.
This week in topic we have started to explore the different seasons we experience in our country, and the reason why these seasons occur. We talked about the weather changes during the seasons and our own personal experiences linked to the seasons.
The children across the year group have amazed us all with their excellent writing. They are becoming a lot more independent which is fantastic to see. Keep it up year 1!
We have also enjoyed creating some season art- we did this through exploring different techniques including colour, pattern and texture.
Next week we will be starting our Topic 'How are you?'. In this topic, we will be learning about keeping healthy and eating the right foods. We will learn about the importance of exercise and what germs are and how we can be hygienic. We will learn about the doctors that discovered medicines and illnesses from the past. We will also learn about countries that do not have enough water.
As part of our writing task this week, we looked at adjectives (describing words). To strengthen this learning, we would like children to write about a person, place or thing they love using adjectives to describe. Remember to show off your handwriting and use your sounds. This will be due in on Wednesday 5th February.
Important dates:
Monday 27th January: Please can all pupils come to school in their brightest exercise clothes for our 'Clubercise session'. This is the entry point to our topic.
Friday 7th February: School Disco after school
Friday 14th December: Last day of term